Golf Laser Range Finders and Other Ways to Improve Your Golf Game
Golf is a competitive sport, most golfers play some sort of match with there fellow players whether they are a scratch golfer or a high handicapper, and every body likes to win. Following the simple tips in this article you will save a lot of strokes around the greens become a much better golfer, impress your fellow players and start to win most of your matches.
Golf Tips for Better DrivingAre you happy with your drive shots and are they consistent and stay in play? If not, here are some golf tips for better driving that should help you solve your problems with your golf drive swing and stay on the fairway avoiding trees and obstacles. Lack of balance is a common fault that many club golfers don’t see as important so they rarely work on it.
PGA Golf Tips to Take Your Game to a New LevelIf you are an experienced golfer who wants to take your game to the next level then be prepared to do so. This article gives you important tips to really help your game flourish and reach an all-time high. You will be playing the best golf of your life quickly if you use these tips provided to your full advantage.
Improve My Golf GameMost golfers are fanatical about improving their handicaps and are constantly asking themselves “How can I improve my golf game?” There are a lot of things that can go wrong with a golf swing and sometimes it’s hard to know what part of your swing to focus when you are ready to work on improving your swing. The most important basics to the golf swing are your set up stance and balance throughout your swing.
Putting Stroke: Can Your Yips Be Fixed?Your putting stroke might be the most important part of your game – it sure has been for the great champions like Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods. But, when you lose your putting stroke, your game will seem like it will never recover again. Though most do not simply forget how to putt overnight, the putting stroke yips can make you feel like you have.
Golf Simulator Projection ScreensPlaying golf is a sport a large number of individuals engage in for recreational purposes, despite the fact that not all of us have enough time to in reality get involved in it on a proper golf course or even a practice range at a minimum. This is where golf simulator projection systems come in.
Golf Tips – How To Chip Out Of Trouble With Your PutterMany amateur golfers find chipping one of the harder shots in golf – especially if you have a tough lie or there are low branches to shoot your ball under. Chipping from a difficult spot can be a high-risk shot, and as we all know golf is about taking the ‘percentage shot’ whenever you can. One of the best golf tips I can give to amateur golfers is – ‘If you can avoid difficult chip shots then do so.’
Golf Tips – How To Avoid 3 PuttingNo-one likes 3 putting! Here is a great golf tip which will improve your distance control and also help you to practice under game-like conditions. I.e. It will put you under pressure. If you can perform well under pressure then you’ll be a tough opponent!
Rhythm Is The Key To A Consistent Golf SwingWhen I ask my students why the are taking golf lessons the most frequent answer is “they need to be more consistent”. The answer is if you want a consistent golf swing you must swing with rhythm. Rhythm allows you to repeat the motion and hit the ball more solid. I will share with you my two best methods to develop rhythm in your golf swing.
Golf Tips – Know The Rules Of Golf – Loose ImpedimentsOne of the best golf tips I can give to any golfer is to know the rules of golf. This is because the rules are not only there to penalise you – they are also there to help when unfair situations arise. If you know the rules of golf you can often use these to your advantage. In this golf tip I am focusing on how the rules of golf can help you when your ball is lying on or near a ‘loose impediment’.
Golf Tips – Golf Putting Drill To Improve Your Distance ControlThe most important three factors in any putt are pace, pace and pace. If you can control the pace correctly then your distance control will be good. Anyone with good distance control will be a formidable putter.
How To Hit A Draw ShotLearning how to hit a draw shot might seem daunting at first. However, this article is going to outline some of the fundamental aspects required for beginners looking to play better golf, and learning how to hit a draw shot.