20190813 – Range Driver Flatter Shaft



1. ***1st Most Critical On Setup (LEFT ARM STRUCTURE, LEFT HAND CREASE AT LEFT SHOULDER, HIT THE BALL WITH THE CLUBFACE HEEL LEADING THE TOE)*** Bend the left elbow slightly and point left hand crease at left relaxed shoulder and maintain throughout swing (this applies to all clubs and all shots). Hit the ball with the clubface heel leading the toe (use overlap grip)

2. ***2nd Most Critical On Setup (POINT THE BUTT OF THE CLUB AT THE LOWER ABDOMEN/PELVIS AS THE PELVIS IS THE SWING CENTER, SET THE PELVIS TILT ANGLE)*** Point the butt of the club at the left side lower abdomen/pelvis (below the belly button) as the pelvis is the swing center, set the pelvis tilt angle, set the angle of the core and rotate on that axis, setup pelvis angle to left thigh, point butt end of the club at the core, core rotation generates the speed.

3. ***3rd Most Critical On Initiation (SET LEFT HIP HIGHER THAN RIGHT HIP AND MAKE RIGHT THIGH PARALLEL TO THE CLUB SHAFT AND MAINTAIN RIGHT THIGH ANGLE THROUGHOUT THE SWING)*** Set left hip higher than the right hip and make right thigh parallel to the club shaft and maintain right thigh angle throughout the swing. Ensure both arms are relaxed, hands swing some distance from top of head to prepare left arm structure to lift closer to top of head.

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4. ***4th Most Critical On Backswing (BACKSWING LIFT LEFT HAND AND LEFT ARM STRUCTURE CLOSER TO TOP OF HEAD 30″ UP) On backswing, lift left hand 30″, raise the club as if the hands are going above the head, maintaining the left arm and shoulder structure.

5. ***5th Most Critical On Downswing (HIT THE BALL WITH THE CLUBFACE HEEL LEADING THE TOE UNTIL AFTER IMPACT: BEND PELVIS AND BELLY DOWN TO LEFT INNER THIGH AND TURN THE PELVIS TO FACE THE TARGET, DROP THE RIGHT HIP DOWN TO THE HANDS) Hit the ball with the clubface heel leading the toe until after impact: Bend the pelvis and belly down to left inner thigh and turn the pelvis to face the target, drop the right hip down to the hands: Bend from the waist and let the pelvis fall straight down to the ground, rotate core along its axis maintaining the right thigh angle into the downswing, drop the club shaft to match the angle of the right thigh using the left arm and hand, flatten the sternum to make it horizontal with the ground, with left hand still lifted 30″ and closer to top of head (this creates left hand distance from left hip and allows the head and chest to drop), POINT the butt end of the club away from the body then TURN the body allowing the chest/head to dip, left hand should be raised around shoulder height at impact.

***Putting Key (SC Phantom X 12, 31″): Center putter with belly button. Hands close to thighs, putter shaft to swing along right thigh angle (left should mostly match right). Use thighs to putt. Set the putter flat on the ground and put it flat. Remember where the putter faces is where the balls goes and is more important than stroke path. Setup ball line, the setup clubface to ball line, eyes over ball then set elbows close under the belly close to the hips – simple back and thru***

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***Chipping Landing Zone: Imagine the flag stick is placed where the intended ball is to land. Hit the ball to land on the imaginary flag stick.***

***Short Chip/Short Bunker/Pitching Key: Clubface heel leading toe until after impact. Belly drop towards inner left thigh. Expose the club bounce when chipping and swing to utilize the bounce. Swing shaft along right thigh angle using the left arm structure. Set right thigh angle to match club shaft. Hit it like a putt for really short shots***

***Punch Outs: Clubface heel leading toe until after impact. Belly drop towards inner left thigh. Swing shaft along right thigh angle using the left arm structure. Set right thigh angle to match club shaft.***

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