😡30 DUMB PURCHASES – Things to AVOID Buying! (Frugal Living Tips to SAVE MONEY)

These are a list of dumb purchases in my opinion that shouldn’t be done. If you disagree with me that fine, just give a reason why you think I’m wrong, just don’t call me an idiot and leave. Explain why I’m an idiot then you can leave, ok? 😄

1. Drive out of your way to get cheap gas
2. Holidays – buying something on sale just cause of sale
3. Buy a leased car over and over again
4. Buy more just to make free shipping
5. “Buy more to save more” (cash back)
6. Buy cheap low quality important items
7. Buying some warranties
8. Any upgrades or mods for your car
9. Any designer or name brand
10. Paying $1k’s for concert tickets
11. Paying $1k’s for sporting events
12. Paying extra for insurance for no reason (wrong type or no discounts)
13. Paying extra for airline tickets
14. Paying for most kinds of interest
15. Paying late fees
16. Paying a lot for dental work when we could have prevented it
17. Paying for chiropractor
18. Buying a lot of home decorations / even a house you can’t afford!
19. Buying popular trends
20. Buying in game purchases
21. Paying for apps
22. Going to out of state private college (most expensive)
23. Buying for traffic / parking violations (involuntarily)
24. Buying lottery tickets
25. Paying more for something when cheaper somewhere else (online)
26. Credit card annual fees
27. High interest when you can increase your credit score / credit repair service (house)
28. Paying for food delivery
29. Excessive online courses
30. A lot of holiday presents (can’t miss the real meaning)

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