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4 Common Goal Setting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them for Golfers

The article reveals you 4 common goal setting mistakes that golfers make. Find out those 4 common goal setting mistakes that golfers make and learn how to avoid them.

The Evolution Of The Rules Of Golf

The first known rulebook was laid out by the ‘Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers’ in 1744. And on the back cover of that rule book, as a guiding principle of ‘Fairness’ is the overriding principle: Play the ball as it lies, play the course as you find it, and if you cannot do either, do what is fair.

Goal Setting for Golfers: 7 Tips to Setup Positive and Action Oriented Goals

What happens if golfers fail to setup positive and action oriented goals? What are the consequences of setting negative and unrealistic goals? Find out the common goal setting mistakes that golfers make and learn how to setup positive and action oriented goals.

Golf Swing Tips To Help You Improve Your Game

Everyone wants to have the perfect golf swing and are looking for some golf swing tips to attain that purpose. Developing the perfect swing is one of the most important parts of playing golf. Many people strive to just achieve that perfect golf swing.

When You Retire Will Your Money Be Worth A Round Of Golf?

The other day the image of someone driving up to a golf course with the cart over-flowing with money to pay for one round of golf popped into my head.  This may seem like a bazaar idea, but it wasn’t that long ago, 1923 that we were given a similar image of a German girl pulling a wagon full of German Mark to pay for a loaf of bread. The story really gets interesting when it goes on to say while the girl was in the bakery the wagon was stolen, and the thief left the worthless money behind.

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Traditional Clubs And The Development Of The Standardised Set

In the days before mass production each golfer designed their own club to suit his/her own game. The clubs themselves were individually made by a blacksmith and so there was no standard length or shape. Each player’s stance differed and the types of strokes and techniques they used were vastly different from each other.

Using SkyCaddie To Improve Your Game

Every golfer worth his salt knows about SkyCaddie. It works on the basis of GPS or Global Positioning System and gives you your location to a yard of your current position. On the golf course you will need to program several points into it such as the location of the middle of the green etc. It will then tell you how far away from it you are.

Tee Off With Golf GPS

For a man, golf is believed to be the ultimate symbol of having arrived. Teeing off with friends or business acquaintances is one of the best ways to cement relationships. However, the game is still a competitive one and you will want to do your best in it.

Golfing Instinctively

The mysterious game of golf… Loved and despised by millions of adoring fans all around the world. First, let me get the disclaimer off the table by mentioning that this article is probably not going to tell you much that you did not already know instinctively in your “gut.” And this certainly isn’t any type of tutorial or guru golf guide.

A Perfect Golf Swing

A perfect golf swing can cut your golf handicap in half and add 50 yards or more to your drives. Mike Austin in 1974 at the US National Senior Open drove an amazing 515 yards and is still the longest recorded drive on any of the professional golf tours. At the time Mike Austin was age 64 when he achieved this amazing feat.

Golf Driver Swing: How to Stop Fat and Thin Hits

If your consistently hitting fat or thin shots, I don’t have to tell you that it can become quite frustrating. Here you will find some tips and techniques to improve you golf driver swing so you can stop hitting these dreadful golf shots.

Golf Champions Tour Wraps, Martin Kaymer Has Big Weekend

As calendars changed from October to November and the brilliant leaves of autumn fell to the ground, some of the world’s best golfers were still busy pursuing trophies and pay checks all over the globe. The most notable domestic tournament took place in cloudy and mild San Francisco, where the game’s best players over the age of 50 gathered for the conclusion of the Champions Tour 2011 season.

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