What you Should & Should Not Eat on The Golf Course

How to Take The Hook Out of My Golf Swing

A lot of people are wondering ‘how to take the hook out of my golf swing’ because it is a swing error that can cause a lot of trouble. Most golfers who have played for a very long time or have a low handicap have experienced all kinds of swing problems.

Top 3 Tips to Stop Slicing Your Golf Ball

There is nothing worse than being able to hit a golf ball 300 yards but only to see it drift off to the right almost all the time. Slicing the golf ball is arguably the one thing that most amateur golfers hate and would do anything to completely avoid it.

Training Your Mind for Your Golf Game

A vague subject for golfers is the process of coaching your brain for your golf game. When you can grasp it, your scores will go down. But how can we make this happen? We can propose a number of instruction guides on sports psychology, and on our website we are going to offer some we highly suggest. However it is definitely a subject that is tough to teach, more difficult to grasp, and has been blamed for more bad rounds of golf than you can count.

Basic Golf Information

As a beginner golf player, the very first thing that you need to do before even getting the golf supplies is to gather golf information. Since you are in the starting point of your possible golfing career, then you must first gather some data before you get started with buying golf clubs, golf balls and such.

Golf: Impact Position

The most common mistake that beginner golfers do is having the wrong grip when holding a golf club which usually hinders the golfer into having the correct golf impact position. Though this tip is very minor, remember that it is the basic thing that makes the major things possible, so remember to never neglect the basics because these are given for a reason, and by mastering the basic positions, you will be able to master the position in no time.

Zero Friction Golf Tees

It sounds a bit science fictional, but zero friction golf tees are real and they do make a difference. The tee is what the golf ball rests on prior to the golfer making his or her swing and the shot. It holds the ball off the ground, thereby helping to protect the ground surface, but it also makes the ball easier to hit.

Standardized Golf Cart Rating System Badly Needed

Have you ever attempted to buy or sell a golf car/cart and then tried to find the book value of a used golf vehicle, only to discover that there is no golf cart industry “blue book” to inform you of price values? And so in frustration you go to eBay and Craigslist and Google to see what everyone else is asking for their golf carts-and what a trip that turned out to be! One golf company has come up with an excellent solution!

Learning To Play Better Golf

Golf is a highly competitive game. It is a precision club and ball sport, and it involves using several different types of clubs to hit balls into a given set of golf holes located all over the golf course. It is said that the modern form of the sport emerged somewhere during the fifteenth century in Scotland.

See also  How to Make More 10-15 Foot Putts! Save Strokes on the Green!
Tips and Techniques for Golf Beginners

For those golfers who are just starting their hobby, beginner golf is definitely for you. With that being said, it does not mean that you cannot go to a golf course and practice there, because you can. Everyone is welcome to play golf anywhere. But probably, the best place for beginner golf would have to be the driving range.

Golf Intimidation and Fear – Tips for the Beginner Ladies

Ladies? Are fear and intimidation keeping you away from enjoying the great game of golf? Let’s see if I can help you get past some of those feelings, and get you on track to enjoy the greatest game in existence!

Golf Tip – Putting Alignment

If you’ve built a great grip and a solid stance, you won’t be reaping the rewards if your putting alignment isn’t perfect. Putting alignment is another critical element of your putting stroke, and if your putting alignment is wrong the chances of starting your putt off on the correct line are extremely slim!

Brush Up On Skills With A Golf Practice Net

A golf practice net is an effective tool for any golfer who wants to improve skills while working on form and stance. There is no need to waste time travelling to the local driving range when a golf practice net can be set up in almost any location. This allows users to sneak in practice whenever spare time allows. These devices are especially convenient in locations where bad weather limits time outdoors. A large garage or carport can provide shelter from rain, snow and wind.


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