What would you shoot if the golf hole was this size?

The Right Golf Ball for You

Golf balls are available in many different brands and types. A few of the different types include two-piece, three-piece, various compressions, numerous cover materials, and dozens of different dimple patterns. The plethora of differing types of golf balls and the dozens of brands on the market makes choosing one very difficult. Which one is the best? The answer is simple – all and none.

2 Easy Steps To Achieve A Proper Golf Swing

It’s not a secret having a proper golf swing will in fact improve your game and lower your scores. But, that is not the question. The question is just how do you achieve a proper golf swing? In the next few paragraphs you will learn the secrets to lowering your scores by simply applying the proper golf swing to your game.

Try Wrist Putting for More Success on the Greens

All of us golfers who refer to 30 and 40 year olds as kids, can remember when the dominant putting technique on tour was the wrist putt. Arnold Palmer was probably the most famous wrist putter, although virtually all the pros used it. Well, Jack Nicklaus came along and the wrist putt disappeared overnight. As Jack began winning more and more tournaments the other players on tour started copying his putting style and the pendulum putting style soon became the norm. It might be noted that Arnold Palmer was considered to be one of the best putters on tour before switching to the pendulum style, and from that point on putting was the bane of his game.

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Mistakes To Avoid When Looking For Scotty Cameron Putter Discount Offers

Scotty Cameron putters are great types of golf clubs that professional and amateur golf players are using. If you are into golf, you should have some of those putters. But such clubs can be a bit pricey for the average individual. If this is the case for you, well, you can always look for Scotty Cameron putter discount offers. Heck, even wealthy golf enthusiasts are searching for those Scotty Cameron putter discount deals either through online sources or actual stores near you.

Georgia On My Mind

The Masters should have one of its deepest fields ever with young guns pushing older established players. The beauty of Augusta National is never disappointing.

Proof That Size Means Little in a Long Drive Golf Swing

Let me introduce you to a golfer with one of the best golf swings I’ve ever seen. Hands down this is the best left handed swing I’ve ever seen. He may not be the most famous golfer, nor is he on the PGA Tour, but you can’t go wrong emulating his golf swing. His name is John Novosel Jr., and he is proof that size and strength mean little in hitting long. He advocates Tour Tempo, a product that sets your swing to music.

High Speed Golf Carts: Choosing Your Options

This article describes and evaluates various available options for increasing the speed of a standard golf cart. Descriptions, Pro’s and Con’s are discussed.

Roll the Ball to the Hole

If you’re new to the game, then you found out it’s not as easy as it looks. When I was much younger, I believed that baseball was the most boring game to watch on TV. Then one day I was sitting on the sofa with my father watching a game of golf. I was so wrong, golf was the most boring game on TV.

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A Proper Golf Swing Plane Will Help Increase Your Driving Distance

Swinging the golf club on your correct swing plane, is the primary way to achieve consistent, accurate and long distance drives. Unless the marketers have gotten to you. Their obnoxious infomercials yelling at you with their “secrets” and tips, tools, and swing speed gadgets that are guaranteed to help jettison the ball further than you’ve ever dreamed possible. If it was only that easy to buy a great golf swing!

Golf Laser Range Finder – Golf Course Distance Measuring Equipment

There are many golf course measuring devices to choose from, but which type is the best? that all depends on what you need on the golf course. A GPS device (Global Positioning System) will find you on any golf course but you must register the course you are playing on with the system you bought. and in a lot of cases with GPS devices you have to pay a monthly membership fee.

It’s All About Golf Clubs

Golf clubs are composed of a shaft with a grip (lance) and a club head. Woods are used for fairway or tee shots, (long distance). Irons are the most versatile, and are used for a variety of shots.

Putters for Everyone

For most people golf is a game played and enjoyed, but most of us are all still learning, and it’s a fun sport. The putter is the most commonly used club, if you add it up the number of times you use it, you will find that you use it about 36 times per game if not more. When it comes to choosing a putter there is a huge variety, and it is a very personal choice.

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