Understanding & Fixing A Chicken Wing (Better Fix This)

Are you struggling with a chicken wing in your golf swing? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this blog post, we will delve into the common problem of the chicken wing and provide you with effective tips and techniques to fix it. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, understanding and rectifying the chicken wing in your swing will undoubtedly improve your overall performance on the course. So, if you’re ready to address this issue head-on, let’s dive right into it!

Understanding & Fixing A Chicken Wing (Better Fix This)


Are you struggling with your golf swing and finding it difficult to achieve the desired consistency and loft? If so, you might be experiencing a common problem known as a “chicken wing.” In this review, we will delve into the video created by Paul Wilson Golf, where he provides valuable insights and techniques to help you understand and fix this issue. So, let’s get started and improve your golf game!

Understanding Why a Chicken Wing in Your Golf Swing is Bad

A chicken wing in your golf swing refers to the position where your lead arm bends awkwardly, resembling the shape of a chicken wing. This can have a detrimental effect on your swing arc, loft, and overall consistency. Understanding the reasons behind why a chicken wing is bad is crucial in order to fix this flaw and enhance your performance on the golf course.

Know How a Chicken Wing Affects Your Swing Arc, Loft, and Consistency

When you have a chicken wing in your golf swing, it disrupts the smoothness of your swing path. This can lead to a loss of power, accuracy, and control over the clubface. Additionally, it affects the loft of the club at impact, resulting in inconsistent shots. By maintaining a proper arm extension through the impact zone, you can ensure a better swing arc, improved loft, and enhanced consistency in your shots.

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Use a Headcover to Visualize the Concept of a Chicken Wing in Your Swing

To understand the concept of a chicken wing and its negative impact on your swing, you can utilize a simple visualization technique. Place a headcover under your lead arm, near the elbow, and make some practice swings. If you notice the headcover falling or being squeezed during your swing, it indicates the presence of a chicken wing. This exercise will help you develop a better awareness of this issue and work towards its correction.

Realize That a Chicken Wing is Caused by Trying to Hit the Ball With Your Arms

One of the main causes of a chicken wing in your golf swing is the misconception of using your arms to hit the ball. Many golfers mistakenly believe that generating power solely comes from the arms, leading to unnecessary tension and poor technique. Understanding that the power actually originates from the rotation of your body and learning to relax your arms during the swing will greatly alleviate the chicken wing problem.

Learn That You Need to Relax Your Arms and Let the Energy Drain Out of Them

To fix a chicken wing, it is essential to relax your arms and let the energy drain out of them. This means avoiding excessive tension in your arms throughout the swing. By maintaining a loose grip and allowing your arms to swing freely, you can prevent the chicken wing and achieve a more fluid and powerful swing motion. Practice drills and regular mindfulness of arm relaxation will aid you in overcoming this issue.

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Understand That Fixing a Chicken Wing May Result in Hitting Some Fat Shots

Making the necessary changes to eliminate a chicken wing in your golf swing may initially result in hitting some fat shots. This is because your body needs time to adjust to the new mechanics and timing. However, with persistence and practice, you will gradually develop a better swing sequence, and the fat shots will diminish.

Fix Fat Shots by Getting the Weight Off Your Back Foot Through Impact

When experiencing fat shots after correcting a chicken wing, one useful tip is to focus on shifting your weight correctly during the swing. By ensuring the weight is transferred from your back foot to your lead foot through impact, you can prevent hitting the ground before the ball. This weight transfer will aid in achieving crisp ball contact and consistent strikes.

Utilize Your Body Rotation Instead of Trying to Stretch Out Your Arms

Rather than relying on trying to stretch out your arms to generate power, it is more effective to utilize your body rotation. Engaging your hips and core muscles during the swing will allow for proper sequencing and a more efficient transfer of energy. By emphasizing the rotation of your body, you will naturally extend your arms and avoid the dreaded chicken wing.


In conclusion, understanding and fixing a chicken wing in your golf swing is essential to improve your consistency, loft, and overall performance on the golf course. By grasping the reasons behind a chicken wing, visualizing the issue, relaxing your arms, and utilizing proper body rotation, you can rectify this flaw and transform your swing. Embrace these techniques and watch your golf game soar to new heights!

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  1. How does a chicken wing affect my golf swing?
    A chicken wing in your golf swing disrupts the swing arc, affects loft, and leads to inconsistency in shots.

  2. Can a headcover be used to identify a chicken wing?
    Yes, placing a headcover near your lead arm while practicing swings can help you visualize the presence of a chicken wing.

  3. What causes a chicken wing in the golf swing?
    The misconception of using your arms to hit the ball instead of utilizing body rotation is a common cause of a chicken wing.

  4. How can I fix a chicken wing in my golf swing?
    By focusing on arm relaxation, body rotation, and weight transfer, you can gradually eliminate a chicken wing.

  5. Why do I hit fat shots after fixing a chicken wing?
    Hitting fat shots after correcting a chicken wing is common as your body adjusts to the new mechanics. Practice and persistence will reduce this issue over time.