THIS LESSON Will Fix Your Long Iron Shots Forever

We are excited to share a game-changing lesson that will transform our long iron shots forever. Join us as we delve into expert tips and tricks to improve our game and take it to the next level. Let’s tee off for success together!

This Lesson Will Fix Your Long Iron Shots Forever


Have you ever found yourself struggling with your long iron shots on the golf course? It’s a common challenge that many golfers face. In our latest video, we’ve delved into the world of long irons to uncover the common mistakes that could be holding back your game. Join us as we explore the key adjustments needed to perfect your long iron shots and take your game to the next level.

Common Mistakes Golfers Make with Long Irons

When it comes to long irons, golfers often fall into the trap of using the same setup and swing as they would with shorter irons. This can lead to inconsistent ball striking and poor accuracy. In our video, we break down the common mistakes golfers make with long irons and how to avoid them.

Adjustments Required for Long Iron Setup

Long irons demand a different setup compared to shorter irons due to their longer shafts and lower lofts. It’s essential to make the necessary adjustments in your stance, ball position, and posture to optimize your long iron shots and achieve greater distance and control.

Steer Clear of Steep Divots

One of the critical points we emphasize in our video is the importance of avoiding hitting steep divots with long irons. A shallow angle of attack will help you achieve cleaner contact with the ball and prevent those frustrating shots that fall short of your target.

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Consistent Swing Tempo Across Iron Clubs

Maintaining a consistent swing tempo and rhythm across all your iron clubs is vital for developing a reliable and repeatable golf swing. In the video, we discuss how to synchronize your tempo when transitioning from shorter to longer irons for improved consistency.

Practice Makes Perfect

To enhance your ball striking with long irons, we recommend practicing hitting different irons back-to-back at the range. This not only helps you get a feel for each club’s unique characteristics but also enhances your ability to strike the ball cleanly and accurately.

Conscious Setup and Swing Adjustments

Consciously adjusting your setup and swing for long irons can significantly impact your accuracy and distance control. By focusing on specific adjustments tailored to long irons, you can fine-tune your technique and see a noticeable improvement in your shots.

Filming for Analysis and Improvement

One of the most valuable tools in refining your long iron game is filming yourself at the range. By recording your swings, you can analyze your setup, posture, and swing mechanics to identify areas for improvement and make targeted adjustments for better results on the course.

Share Your Tips and Experiences

We’d love to hear from you! Share your experiences and tips for hitting long irons in the comments section below the video. Together, we can create a supportive community of golfers dedicated to mastering the art of long iron shots.


Mastering long iron shots is a challenging yet rewarding endeavor for golfers looking to elevate their game. By understanding and implementing the adjustments discussed in our video, you can unlock the potential of your long irons and enjoy improved consistency and accuracy on the course. Remember, practice and patience are key to honing your skills and conquering the challenges of long iron play.

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FAQs After The Conclusion

1. How can I improve my long iron shots?

2. What are the common mistakes to avoid when using long irons?

3. Why is it essential to adjust my setup for long irons?

4. How can filming myself at the range help enhance my long iron game?

5. What tips do you recommend for maintaining consistent swing tempo across different iron clubs?