The Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Putting

In this weeks video golf tip. Australian PGA Professional Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor shows you The Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Putting. If you can gain some distance control, improve your putting rhythm, match your putter to your stroke type and listen to the ball going into the hole rather than watching it. Your putting will definitely improve. You will hole more 3 foot putts and sink short putts in no time. I hope you enjoy this putting lesson.
Hello. I’m Brian Fitzgerald “The Golf Doctor”.Today I am going to show you 5 ways you can improve your putting. If you can improve your putting you will definitely lower your score.Stay tuned.Five ways to improve your putting.
If you can improve your putting you will lower your score.So my first way to improve your putting is to improve your distance If you can have good distance control you will 3 putt less.Every time you 3 putt less you are saving shots.So how do we get distance control?You can do the 4 By 8 Drill.You try consecutive putts from 4 metres by 8 metres paces and you go from 4 and have 1 putt. Then you go from 8 back to four, back to 8 and you are trying to get the balls to finish inside a 1 putter length circle around the hole. It’s a great way of testing your control of distance. The second way is to improve your putting is to concentrate on these 3 foot putts.I have said in a previous video that on the US Tour Golf Pro’s or the best players in the world only get 84% from 3 feet.So they miss 16% of the time. That’s an awful lot. So if you can get comfortable from this 3 foot range. And I would do that by playing North, South, East and West. You put 4 golf tees 1 club length from the hole. basically from the four compass points North, South, East and West. And you see how many in a row you can get from those and it will get you used to the hole to holing putts.The best thing about that is you have got a downhill putt, an uphill putt, a right to left and a left to right. And the third way of improving your putting would be to improve the rhythm of your putting stroke. So the best way to improve the rhythm of your putting stroke is to download the putting metronome app.Putting metronome is an app, whether it is on android or an iphone or an ipad. You put it on the ground. And you set it to 50 beats per minute or whatever you think your best swing speed is. Mine’s 50. And I get my putter to sync with that and that really does help improve your putting control.The fourth way i think you can improve your putting is to listen to the ball going in on short putts.
So people don’t think they are moving their head. When they hit the putt and they watch it they think it’s only their eyes moving. But it really is the whole head that’s moving.So if you have a putt to win $2 off a friend or to have your best score, or to win the masters. Don’t watch it go in.Listen to it going in.And my final way of improving your putting is to try and get the putter that you are using to match the stroke type you have.
There are 3 types of putting strokes. There is a straight back and through. There is a slight arc and there is a strong arc.
You need to find out which one you are. You also need to match your putters stroke type to that. And by doing that you give yourself the best chance of holing more putts.Links From this video:Improve Your Putting Distance Control With The 4 By 8 Drill

See also  GOLF PUTTING #1 La règle d'or

North, South, East & West Putting Drill

How To Improve The Rhythm Of Your Putting Stroke

How To Hole A Pressure Putt

The 5 Variables of Putter Fitting

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