THE PERFECT TAKEAWAY – Socially Distanced Golf Academy | Episode 2 | Tom Saguto, PGA | SagutoGolf

The takeaway is the deTERMINATOR of the golf swing. Good takeaways pull the shoulders and the body around in the proper sequencing AND get the lead shoulder turning down to maintain the body’s relationship to the ball for clean, crispy shots ALL DAY LONG.

CRAPPY TAKEAWAYS can ruin your swing from the start so —— just dont do that. Seriously, crappy takeaways with rolling hands or off plane swing paths can cause dreaded things to happen later in your swing like OVER THE TOP and worse STEEP — lack of distance — lack of consistency —- results.

Forget your old takeaway in favor of one that’s proven to work and get your swing off to the perfect start EVERY SINGLE TIME!

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See also  3 Ways To Increase Attack Angle | Golf Club Fitting Tips

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