The Golf Secret That Will Make You a Better Player

If you want to improve your golf, then you need to learn the Golf Secret. This secret will help you learn to play better mentally, which will lower your golf handicap and make you a better player.

In this video, we’re going to show you how to apply the Golf Secret and improve your golf game. We’ll cover everything from the mental approach to the lower golf handicap. If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, then this is the video for you!

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In this video, I’m going to show you the golf secret that will make you a better player. This secret is simple but very effective, and it will help you improve your game in no time.
If you’re looking for a way to improve your golf skills, then you need to watch this video! This secret will help you play better without even trying, and it can lower your handicap by as much as 10 strokes. If you’re interested in learning how to play better, then this is the video for you!

Hey everybody thanks for tuning in I'm George Collin scratch golf tips and Today we're going to be talking about a Big golf secret that not many people Know about that can really transform the Way that you approach your next round of Golf for the better now when I'm talking About golf secrets I'm not talking about Something quick and easy that you can do That can change your swing entirely so That you're going to Pure the ball and You're going to get rid of your slice Your hook or whatever it may be I like To talk about these secrets and Little-known tips from a mental Standpoint a lot of golfers get very Technical in their game they focus on Every aspect of their swing when in Reality golf is a lot about the swing But also a very great deal about the way That you approach golf what club you're Choosing where you're aiming all of Those other decisions away from the Swing also have a very big influence on Your score so the secret that I'm going To be talking about today is the concept Of forgetting par now what does this Mean just forgetting par well if you're On the T On a par four say you hit a Very bad tee shot this happens to the Best of us and you're out of position Very heavily a lot of golfers will think Okay how do I save par and then they're Going to hit a hero shot from you know

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God knows where out in the out on the Right you're in the trees you're you're Way off and then you hit another bad Shot and now you're in really bad Position to make not a par not a bogey But maybe a double triple even a Quadruple that's because you are so Focused on saving par which really when You're out of position heavily Especially if you're not an excellent Golfer you're not someone who can hit Those crafty shots you should just leave That idea alone you hit a bad shot now Let's try and take our medicine and save A bogey it's crazy to think how golfers Really focus on their score in terms of Birdie par bogey instead of how quality Shots they're hitting what they're doing On the course in terms of navigating Through the fairways rough all of that So many people act very differently when There is a title attached to that stroke When in reality it's it's one stroke no Matter what a great example of this that So many of us have seen on the course is If you have a four foot putt for birdie And you miss it generally someone's Going to be very upset oh man I missed That birdie putt I should have kept it High I should have put some more Pace on It but in reality that putt is worth the Exact same stroke amount if you're Missing it for a double bogey but if Someone's putting for a double bogey

They feel like that putt doesn't matter If they miss that putt they really Probably won't care as much they won't Give nearly the dramatic reaction as They would if they missed that precious Birdie putt so next time you're teeing Off and then you find yourself hitting a Bad shot do not step up to that ball With the first thing in your mind saying All right how do I hit a hero shot how Do I save par your next idea the next Thing going through your mind is how do I get out of this bad position now when I say get yourself out of trouble I'm Not saying put yourselves in an Unbelievable situation where you just Hit that hero shot I'm saying if you're In deep rough hack the ball out and find Find the Fairway if that means going 90 Degrees back into the Fairway and not Advancing the ball forward at all do it Our goal here is not to save par we're Forgetting about that entirely we don't Want to make a big score on the Scorecard so many golfers have this Fantastical idea that to really put Together a great round of golf you need To be firing on all cylinders you need To be making birdies maybe an eagle in a Bunch of parts that's really not how Those people who consistently break 90 The people who consistently bring 80 That's not how they do it what they do Is they'll really hone in on not making

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Those big scores you look at someone Who's shooting a 78 they're probably not Making five birdies what they're doing Is they're not making any double bogeys So the simple way to sum it up is keep Your ego in check on the golf course par Is not easy to get on every hole Especially when you're out of position So don't focus on it forget about it and You'll be better off in the long run Trust me let me know what you think About this golf tip and if you have any Other tips regarding the mental side of Golf how to approach it some people Don't like to count up their score some People like to do all kinds of mental Tricks to keep them engaged in the round Of golf and making good decisions if you Have any further tips to contribute Leave them down in the comment section Below if you enjoyed this video please Leave a like rating that helps me see That you're enjoying the content it also Helps YouTube show this type of content To more people who will find it helpful And finally if you enjoyed this video And you want to see some other content From us you can scroll through our page We have a bunch of other videos that You'll find helpful and you can also Subscribe and turn on post notifications If you want to see our future uploads as Always thank you very much for watching Play well and take care

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