The EASY way to hit your irons 12 yards LONGER!

Important Training Aid for Golf

The more you play, the more you progress, and, like any sport, your hardware will evolve as you go on. You can then get seduced by the myriad brands that are working to improve your performance and comfort to your dress. But to start in good conditions, here is a must-get list of training aids for golf.

The Amazing Simple Golf Swing System

When having problems with your swing, here are a few ideas you might consider. Start by ensuring that you have a proper body posture meant to give you balance. Being comfortable it is very necessary to achieve appropriate balance for a good round golf.

What to Give to the Junior Novice Golfer

Contemplating a gift to give to your junior novice golfer? There are many options to choose from but if you want to further inculcate love of the game to your young golf pro, then you have to be a bit more discerning in your gifts. Here’s a mini-guide of the things you can consider giving your junior golfer.

Golf Gift Ideas for All Kinds of Budgets

If you are to give a gift to a golfer what should it be? This is oftentimes a difficult question especially if you need to work on a specific budget. However, there are so many things that you can give a golfer regardless of how much money you want to shell out for a gift.

Where to Look for a Pre-Owned Golf Club Set

Golf is an expensive game. Because of this, it is more practical for golfers who are still getting acquainted with the sport to start their foray into the game with a pre-owned set of golf clubs instead of buying brand new ones. These “used” club sets are definitely cheaper than brand new ones. And since you are still testing the waters, so to speak, to see if the game of golf is truly for you, then pre-owned golf clubs are the answer. Besides, avid golfers regularly change their clubs and once you are already hooked in the game, then you will definitely want to keep yourself upgraded. For now, however, a pre-owned golf club set is definitely recommended.

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Why Cleanliness Matters in Your Golf Game

Golf is a gentleman’s sport. That is why etiquette is given equal importance as rules in any golf game. It’s a sign of respect to other players when you arrive a few minutes before tee-time, when you stay quiet while others are taking their shots, when you don’t stay in their putting line. It’s a sign of respect for the environment when you repair divots, rake the sand in the bunker and when you follow the cart path whenever you ride a golf cart. Collared shirts, Bermuda shorts or golf slacks aren’t considered “official golf uniform” by chance.

A Few Reasons to Consider a Membership at a Private Country Club

Golf seems to have become a luxury that is available to everyone these days and not just for the elite as it used to be, which means the choices are endless. The question becomes, am I the private country club golfer or the public nomad that likes to try a lot of different courses?

The Spirit of Golf – The Pursuit

As we travel on the many paths that life offers, we encounter a multitude of possible experiences from which to choose. Each choice opens to us a world of discovery that lies within our grasp and awaits a passionate involvement. Strength of commitment and level of interest determines our willingness to become involved in the study of the activity. If a connection to the purpose is realized, a marvelous possibility for continued growth develops. The process of living, working, and playing becomes enhanced by a passionate pursuit of a newly discovered opportunity that stimulates our imagination.

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How to Organise and Enjoy Golf in and Around Bangkok

When deciding to play golf in and around Bangkok, first port of call is Google and do some internet searching. There are many websites which will give you an idea of the best courses to play however you do need to know the best time of year to play which is between October and March. The weather of course is a little cooler but you will still need your sun protection creams.

3 Tips to Keep in Mind When You Start Playing Golf

Are you interested in a new and exciting hobby? Are you looking for a sport that is both exciting and relaxing at the same time? Golf might be the right choice for you.

Golf Air – How To Get The Golf Ball Up Fast

If you’re a new golfer then you’re probably keen to know how to get the golf ball up in the air. Well, in this article I’m going to give you three golf tips to help you get some nice air on your golf shots.

Golf Ball Display Case Options

Golf memorabilia has been a popular collector’s item for many years. There are thousands of people that are collecting everything from antique clubs to vintage and souvenir golf balls. It is now possible to take that ball collection out of the closet and on display where they can be appreciated and enjoyed. Just put your collection into one of the many available golf ball display cases and let the enjoyment of that collection begin!

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