The Best Resources to Improve Your Golf Swing Without Taking Lessons

There are a lot of resources to help you improve your golf game, but how do you decide what is reliable information? We break down some key areas that you can use to learn how to play better golf, improve ball striking and reduce your handicap, from practicing on the driving range, to watching golf events, to reading materials and video tips.

The best part about all of these tips is you don’t have to take expensive lessons to improve your golf game!

Driving Range/Practice Green Tip: Before you decide where to practice, take a second to scan the range and watch for a good golfer, then try setting up near them. If you’re hitting next to someone with good rhythm and tempo, has good contact, you’re going to pick up a few things without even having a conversation.

Written Material:
The Science of the Slice: great free e-book for understanding why and how you slice, as well as how to fix it:
James Sieckmann – The Short Game Solution:
James Sieckmann – The Putting Solution:
Harvey Penick – Little Red Book:
Harvey Penick – For All Who Love the Game:
Bob Rotella – Golf is Not a Game of Perfect:
Bob Rotella – Putting Out of Your Mind:

Live Events: it doesn’t matter if it’s hitting a golf ball, making food, racing a car, whatever the skill may be, watching someone who is good at their craft can be very beneficial. Watching a Tour, College, or even high Amateur event live allows you to watch a person’s course strategy, how they warm up before a round, preshot routines, all sorts of things that watching on TV does not allow you to do.


Online Information: there is an endless supply of online information to help you improve your golf game, but the secret is finding a consistent, reliable source to help you improve your golf game. Here are some of our best sources that we provide golfers:

6 FREE Tips from our paid Tour Series:

Our Website: – great articles, tips, reviews and more

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Training Aids: there are a lot of good, trusted training aids that do what they say they are going to do for your game, but unfortunately there are even more that fall short of expectations. Here are some of our favorites that we use on a regular basis:

Rimer Ball Position Trainer:
simple and effective tool to help you with consistent and proper ball position, alignment, setup and more. Paired with nearly 50 instructional videos helping you with putting, chipping, bunkers and wedge play

Tour Striker Smart Ball:
popular swing trainer that helps with swing mechanics and more

Live View Pro:
Digital swing mirror camera that allows you to draw reference alignments, get instant replay to a golf swing and mirror practice mode

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