Take 100 Practice Swings A day To Improve Your Golf

Take 100 Practice Swings A day To Improve Your Golf. In this video golf tip, Australian PGA Golf Professional, Brian Fitzgerald “The Golf Doctor” shows you how doing some practice swings (100 in fact) at home every day can improve your golf.

Hello I’m Brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

Today I’m going to show you something you can do at home, guaranteed to improve your golf.

And it only takes a few minutes every day.

Stay tuned.


So there is a lot of things we can do at home to improve our golf.

But one of the most effective ways of training at home is to take 100 pracice swings a day.

When I say take 100 practice swings a day I don’t mean for you to go one, two and just keep doing that for 100.

I don’t think that is effective use of your time.

I think a more effective use of your time would be to break that 100 swings down into 5 lots of 20.

So you could do 20 at breakfast, 20 at morning tea, 20 at lunch time, 20 at afternoon tea and 20 at dinner.

Do that and you are going to have 100 swings by the end of the day.

Now when you have those 100 swings and 5 lots of 20.

You can use various clubs and I recommend you change club as often as you can.

Don’t just swing the club.

Try and imagine the position you want to be in at impact. So if you think about it my impact position that i would like to be in. Is pretty much where I set up from with my hips slightly that way.

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So if you can just simulate that position and say ok that’s where I want to be when I hit the ball. What does it feel like to get into that position.

So that’s one practice swing.

Then you would do it again. Two practice swings. That way you are simulating exactly where you want to be at impact. You get the feeling of what it’s like to be there.

And that will enable you to do that when you get out on the golf course and your practice.

Another good way is to just practice letting the club turn. So if you do it in slow motion and you just get that club turning and then notice that the left wrist is turning.

One of the biggest failings is that we try to hit the ball straight and we keep that left wrist nice and tight through the ball. Keeping our clubface square, but it stays square for too long after we hit the ball.

As I have said before we need to let the club turn. So Practice letting the club turn.

Do it slowly.

You can feel what it’s like. You can simulate it. You can see the club turning. If you feel yourself holding the club tight. You know that’s wrong.

So you just do it again.

So once again.

Change the club.

have 20 swings in the morning, 20 swings mid morning, 20 swings at lunch time, 20 swings mid afternoon, 20 swings of an evening. Do that 5 days per week.

See also  Perfect your inside to out swing path in golf

Play on the weekends.

You will definitely improve your golf.

Thank you for letting me help imrove your golf.

I’m brian Fitzgerald The Golf Doctor.

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