Simple Drill For Slicers (Hit It Longer Than Ever!)
We are excited to share with you a simple drill that is perfect for slicers looking to increase their distance off the tee. By incorporating this easy technique into our practice routine, we can hit the ball longer than ever…

From Slice to Straight: The #1 Drill for Better Drives
When it comes to improving drives on the golf course, one must master the transition from a slice to a straight shot. In this blog post, he dives into the top drill to enhance driving skills, aiming to help golfers…

Easy Way to FIX YOUR SLICE with Jeff Ritter
Welcome to our blog post where we embark on a journey to overcome the notorious slice in our golf game. If you’ve ever struggled with this frustrating aspect of the game, you’re not alone. We understand the agony of seeing…

Cure A Golf Slice In Minutes (Hit It Dead Straight)
It’s truly mind boggling that people still slice the ball when I can literally cure a golf slice in minutes allowing anyone to hit it dead straight. This is not a joke. It’s a fact. I have been doing this…

Chart Your Shots Then Fix Your Swing
In this tip I want you to chart your shots. If so, you will recognize a pattern so you can fix your swing. Years ago when I was learning the swing, I charted my shots because I wanted to see…

Golf Club Components And Assembly At Home Golf clubs go out of style annually, as regularly as automobiles. Do you really need the latest models, or do you need a…