SWEET Spot Golf Shot – HIT Dead Center



Understanding the sweet spot of the clubface enables players to utilize the position of the club that exerts the greatest transfer of energy during their golf swing. Most clubfaces have a sweet spot that sits just below the actual center on the middle of the face.

As George Gankas golf lessons continue to astound the entire world, few tips or drills can compare to the tour experience methods that George uses to assist his students with adopting a golf swing that pairs well with the athletic motion natural to their bodies. With a few former students now reaching the ranks of professional golf tours, Gankas’ lessons have become the entire curriculum for the GG Swing Method Online Golf Academy, where players from around the world can apply GG’s teachings to their own game.

With coverage in nearly every major golf publication and media outlet, George Gankas golf swing tips have become a highly regarded source for the global golf community, as players of all levels utilize the drills and lessons to further improve the athletic motion of their golf swings. By imparting the strategies many top speed golf pros use to succeed, Gankas has transformed the entire sport for many golfers who otherwise may have never been able to achieve such things on the course.

Finding the precise sweet spot on the clubface will vary by design, so each player should take the time to experiment with new golf clubs before using them in actual play on the golf course. Irons more often than not have lower sweet spots than drivers, but it can depend on the specific club you’re using at any given time.

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When me and my golf students are looking to improve our performance on the golf course, we often seek out the sweet spot on each club we’re using. The huge advantage of knowing where the sweet spot sits on your clubface manifests in expanded distance in routine play.

Because the transfer of energy between the club and ball will drastically improve once you’ve found the sweet spot on the clubface, me and my golf students typically observe expanded distance when we strike the ball correctly.

#SweetSpot #GolfSwing #GolfLesson #GolfTips #GolfVLOG

00:00 Maintaining Swing Direction
01:03 Dead Center Clubface Striking
01:33 Sweet Spot Impact Drill
03:04 Swing Path Evaluation
04:53 Treadmill Swing Drill
05:24 Pelvic Push Off Golf Swing


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