Mental Golf Tip: How to Quiet Your Mind At Address With A Simple Shift in Focus

Golfers learn how to quiet the mental chatter at address with this simple mental golf tip. This tip can benefit golfers of all skill levels, it is easy to do, and makes a world of difference.

Practical Golf Psychology – Golf Is a Mind Game

The first step for you to overcome your golf psychology problems is to stop looking elsewhere for their cause. By now you have probably tried every mechanical swing fix and tip that is out there. It hasn’t worked has it? So instead of looking outside of yourself for the cure to your problems you must be prepared to look within yourself for the cure

Golfers Do You Know What Focus, Confidence, and Trust Really Are?

Golf is a mental game that requires focus, confidence, and trust in order to produce the best results. Discover a different way of looking at these mental qualities so that you can improve your golf game.

Mental Golf Tip – Immediately Make More Putts Using Reverse Visualization

Attention golfers. This article reveals how to use visualization more effectively on the greens so you can make more putts and lower your score. Put this mental golf tip to the test because it will improve your performance.

Lost Ball Rules in Golf That Can Cause Confusion

The rules of golf really are meant to be simple, but like any rules and regulations designed to cover any eventuality they can become truly mindboggling. Specifically on balls that are lost or hit out-of-bounds there can be quite a lot of confusion as to where a golfer is to play his next ball.

Golfer Self-Talk Scripts for a Positive Mental Attitude, Motivation, and Golf Improvement

This article is a collection of 4 self-talk scripts that golfers can use to develop a positive mental attitude, motivation to achieve goals, and prepare their mind to play their best golf. If you want to create more success on the golf course then it starts with your self-talk. Direct your mind to greater success each day using these scripts and notice improvements in performance on the course as you play with more confidence.

These 7 Golf Tips Will Boost Your Game To The Next Level

Forget verbal training aids. Instead, use a video or a photo. We learn faster using our eyes, not our ears. So find a golfer that’s good at a skill, like chipping, and watch her perform it. This process is called “modeling.” Modeling gives you a “blueprint” to guide your motions. So if you want to improve, buy videos.

Titleist Golf Balls – The No. 1 Golf Balls

When you hear the tagline, “The No. 1 ball in golf,” you may immediately think of Titleist Golf Balls, and it’s easy to see why. The brand Titleist is now one of the most respected in the golfing industry and is used by pros as well as serious golfers.

Why Should a Person Take Up the Game of Golf?

We all have our reasons for taking up the great game of golf, and frankly when your objectives always involve using proper golf etiquette there cannot be a bad reason. If you are only starting out you may be hesitant, because you might have heard the pastime can cost a fortune. It is true that golf can get very pricey, but as with anything if you don’t go top shelf with equipment and green fees, you can have a great time with the game and still keep it on a strict budget.

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How to Stay on Top of Your Putting Game

A key factor in keeping your golf score down is staying on top of your putting game. This article outlines a list of some general guide lines to help you assess your putting game and areas that you may need to improve on.

How Much Will Grain in the Green Affect a Putt?

Often we hear golf commentators talk about reading the grain in a green, and the effect it will have on certain putts. Years ago it was something that was quite an important aspect of putting, but for various reasons it is less of a factor. In this article we will explore just how much importance we should put into this concept of “grain” in the green.

The Best Strength Exercises For Golf

Have the best swing and the best looking body on the course. Improve your golf game by adding the best core strength exercises, leg exercises and upper body exercises to your strength training program. Getting in better shape for the back will help keep you injury free and looking good.

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