Simple Swing Drills for Beginners | BASIC Golf Swing

Chipping and Putting Contests

A great way to increase moral, fellowship, and fun in the work place. Golf contests can help alleviate the stress on a long work day.

Better Your Golf Performance With Mental Golf

Are you having a problem with not hitting the golf ball as you normally do? Do you find yourself whispering under your breath as to why you are haivng trouble hitting the ball? Are you starting to doubt yourself or your abilities? Sports psychology to better your golf performance with mental golf may be your solution.

Finding The Right Set Of Golf Clubs

This article will provide golfers useful and helpful tips in choosing the best set of golf clubs. The tips will briefly offer you the various factors that should be taken into consideration when buying a set.

Junior Golf Clubs For The Kids

In choosing the golf clubs that a junior player can use, there are some tips that you need to remember. The tips mentioned can surely guide you so you need to remember them all the time. They will help you for sure.

Golf Course GPS: An Essential Gadget

How much time do you spend over the weekend when you are playing golf? Do you really spend the whole at the golf course or you only spend half of your day playing for you still need to bond together with the family for it is the only day wherein you can be free in owning your time? A weekend must be a filled with great stories and moments but if you are a kind of persons who loves to play, it will surely be great if you are looking after your equipment, from the simplest stuff you have to the most essential pieces like GPS gadgets.

Select Junior Golf Clubs For Junior Golf Player

It is very important that a junior player in golf will have the best tools that he can use in the game. the tips mentioned here are some of the best that will guide you in your choices. Keep the tips in mind for you to choose those that he will be able to use efficiently.

How To Stop Mental Chatter Or Thoughts When Playing Golf

“Thoughts go away, I am playing golf”. These words can be easily said, but difficult to accomplish. These mental disturbances are more than a nuisance. They can destroy your game plan. The question is how you stop mental chatter or thoughts when playing golf. Learn how to control your thoughts.

Why You Need To Focus To Improve Your Golf Strokes

If I can show you how you can play golf everyday would you take the time to read this article? I will tell you upfront how to accomplish playing your favorite game daily and why you need to focus to improve your golf strokes.

Golfer’s “Man Cave”

With winter getting you down and cabin fever setting in? Why not set-up your own “golf man cave” Golf Mat and net min – maximum your own home golf simulator.

How to Practice Chipping Inside

Sometimes you just can’t make it outside to practice chipping. This helpful guide will show you how you can practice chipping inside without damaging your home or valuables.

Searching for the Perfect Golf Swing: One “Swing Thought” at a Time

In their continuing search for the perfect golf swing, many golfers clutter their mind with many “swing thoughts”.  “Keep your head down”, “drag your club head back slow and steady”, “align your shoulders toward your target area” and many more “swing thoughts” are just confusing the golfer.

Seven Reasons to Enjoy Swinging and Siestas in Murcia, Spain

Consider the Murcia region for bargain golf breaks in Spain. You’ll discover good quality golf courses in a convenient cluster, plus luxury villas and budget Spanish golf accommodation to stay in.

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