Quick Golf Tips #1 Strike Your Irons Pure Every Time (Drill info in description)

Quick & simple drill to help you eliminate ‘ground before ball’ contact with your irons.

Many golfers struggle with their strike, hitting the ground before the ball is very common, and it’s something i often see when i’m giving lessons. To help to improve a golfers contact with the ball i often suggest the drill as shown in the video above.

All you need to do is:

– Set the club around 3 inches behind the ball and then hit some shots from this new address position.

The golfer hitting the ground before the ball is often doing so because of poor weight transfer in the downswing. This drill is a great way to improve your angle of attack as well as manage low point. It will engage you in to transferring your weight on the downswing, thus moving low point further forward and creating a much more appropriate angle of attack.

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