
Coach Bri teaches putting. If you have a putter, you can follow along with the correct club. If not, try using the club you do have for now and remember Coach Bri’s tips next time you play mini golf, a game that involves ALL putting.

This video is intended for use by Camp Abilities Delaware athletes and coaches. By participating in this workout video, you understand that participation in the Camp Abilities Delaware and Camp Abilities Tucson programs has risks due to the physical demands that are placed on an individual during physical activity and recreation participation, and that during physical activity there is potential risk of physical injury. You agree that you are solely responsible for your own and your child’s participation and for their physical and emotional well being. You willingly and knowingly assume risk, for your child, yourself, your heirs, family members, executors, administrators, and assume all risk of physical injury and emotional upset which may occur during any aspect of the program; and hereby agree to hold Camp Abilities Tucson, Camp Abilities Delaware, its employees, instructors, facilitators and volunteer counselors/coaches harmless for any liability arising out of participation in the program.

See also  PRO TIPS: Putting Inside 5 Feet and the FLAT CAT™ Putter Grip

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