Power Stick Review

Power Stick: Can a Single Sound Help You Finally Master Lag?

The best training aids in golf are the ones that help you finally master a universally elusive skill. They simplify a technique that baffles even high level golfers. They introduce an entirely new approach to an old and worn-out problem. The new Power Stick promises to do every one of these things.

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At first glance, the stated goal of the Power Stick sounds simple: The designers set out to create a training aid that would help golfers “increase clubhead speed at impact.” It’s an appealing objective. Faster clubhead speed means longer distances, and that’s something we all want, right?

That said, beneath this seemingly standard goal, the Power Stick is actually designed to address a more complicated challenge. This training aid sets out to increase clubhead speed specifically by helping golfers finally master lag. A tool that can train you to swing faster is one thing. But a tool that helps you swing faster by perfecting a technique only the best players can pull off consistently? That’s intriguing.

Let’s take a closer look at the Power Stick: What it does, how it works, and whether it’s worth your investment. But first, let’s clarify what we mean when we talk about “lag.”

What is Lag? To clarify what lag is about, let’s start by talking about what happens in the downswing for most amateur golfers. In the transition from backswing to downswing, most casual golfers immediately hinge their wrists, casting their clubhead out wide.

This approach makes sense on an instinctual level. It’s an attempt to build up momentum with an expansive swing motion. Technically, there’s nothing wrong with it. There’s just a better way.

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Instead of casting out, great golfers keep the angle between their forearm and club shaft tight as they start to swing down. Another way to say it is that they keep their wrists cocked so the shaft remains more-or-less vertical, rather than hinging their wrists to sweep the clubhead down.

Then, they release their wrists closer to the bottom of the swing. By suddenly changing the direction of the clubhead, they create a whip-like motion that kicks speed into the clubhead.

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