PlaneSWING® Golf Training & Fitness System | Instructional Video. World #1 Golf Swing Training Aid.

Golf Training & Fitness System

“Still the best training aid ever”. Darren Clarke, 2011 Open Champion & Ryder Cup Legend

Here Tony Clark explain how to build a consistent golf swing in the World’s Best Golf Training Aid.
PlaneSWING® is used globally by golf instructors, tour players and golfers of all levels. Literally “Beginners to Major Winners”!

The biggest swing killer is an “armsy” golf swing. This results in the forearms immediately over rotating and the club getting behind you. Now you’re on the wrong swing path and it’s a battle to get on plane because you’ll struggle to hinge your wrists. Compensatory movements kill speed. No momentum, no power. No power, no distance and little chance of accuracy.

You can’t achieve WIDTH without the arms and the shoulders working together in unison. If the shoulders remain static, your arms just slap across your chest. Practice the movement I’m showing you and you’ll see instant results.

Start building a great golf swing in minutes. Our instructional video which can be viewed on this channel, 🏌️‍♂️ , is in 15 easy to digest sections and simply and concisely explains the golf swing and how PlaneSWING delivers rapid results.

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Welcome to my PlaneSWING YouTube channel. I’m Tony Clark and I’m committed to sharing with as many people as possible just how easy teaching and learning golf can be.


What does Growing the Game of Golf really mean? Is it getting more people to try golf? Filling up the golf courses? To me, growing the game starts with retention. Too many people are dipping in and out because they find golf too difficult. At PlaneSWING we are changing that.

“PlaneSWING should change the entire way golf is taught” Jeff Carine, Carine Golf Academy

At the PlaneSWING Academy in Orlando, Florida we focus on simplicity of message and FUN in our golf coaching. We expedite learning through a kinesthetic experience where people FEEL how the golf swing should feel. In minutes their level of understanding is hours ahead of where they’d be with “regular” instruction and in an hour they are weeks ahead. It’s that dramatic and it’s that simple.

Please get in touch if you’d like to learn more about the PlaneSWING Programs

🏌🏼‍♀️🏌️‍♂️PlaneSWING Academy:

Allow us to work with you to achieve you Golfing Goals!
☎️USA +1 256-282-9098 & 800-3346-3033
☎️UK 0800 612-6686 & 07870-562777
☎️Rest of World +1 256-282-9098
☎️Rest of World +44 (0) 7870-562777
Filmed at the Pestana Vila Sol Resort, Algarve, Portugal

©Copyright PlaneSWING 2013

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