One handed chipping golf drill: Know your swing plane! In this video Terry is showing you how to use a one handed chipping golf drill.

When it comes to using one hand in any golf shot you have to know and use the golf swing plane. And the one handed chipping golf drill is a great drill for all of us to really understand how important the swing plane is.

In the video above we see how VJ Singh uses one hand to chip as he gets ready for the PGA event. How does he do it? He uses just enough of the swing plane that he needs. The full swing plane is about 110 degrees and in the one handed chipping golf drill we only use about 15-20 degrees to put the club in the position to hit a solid golf shot. It ‘s the golf club and the swing plane that chip the shot not you, you just guide the club and keep it where it needs to be.

Just like all golf swings there is forward shaft lean at address and the one hand leads the club head to impact and the golf club does the rest.

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See also  2 Hcp Golfer Swing Plane Improvement

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