Olympic Skeet Shooter Tries to Shoot Golf Balls Out of the Air | Shotgun Golf | Golf Digest

Two-time Olympic gold medalist skeet shooter Vincent Hancock and PGA pro golfer Cody Gribble head to the shooting range for some target practice, but this isn’t your ordinary day at the range.

We’re standing here at Fort Worth Trap and Skeet.
And I think, ah, we all know that you can
hit the clay pigeons.
Let’s see if you can hit a golf ball out of the air.
Sounds good.
Challenge accepted.
(bass music)
[Cody] You ready?
Got a little bit.
Put a little top spin on it that time.
Oh, that’s it, that’s it.
That was a perfect shot.
You ready to try it?
Yeah, I thought you’d never ask.
I’m not an expert at this.
You’re just gonna have to get what you get.
Nah that was too high.
Hold on, I’m taking this vest off.
Shot a little high there.
Cut that one out, cut that one out.
God, that was just a swing and a miss.
Cody, that was a swing and a miss
what are you doing?
I tricked you, I’m trying to get it really high.
I liked this better when it was
professional doing the professional thing.
Ah no, this is great.
This is way more fun.
Nice, you got it.
Nice shot.
I got a surprise for you, all right?
All right I’m ready, pull.
Okay, I’m just gonna throw it like that right there.
All right.
Right on the end of your barrel, okay?
All right, all right.
I’m shooting high again.
You were under that one.
I have a yip right now.
No we’re not done.
Gimme, gimme the deal.
It’s right in front of the gun!
I’m so embarrassed.
I’m so embarrassed.
It’s right in front of me.
I can’t hit it.
Last one, this is it.
[Man] This is the last one.
This is the last one for Cody,
if he can’t do it he can’t do it.
There it goes.
(bass music)
I was shooting underneath it.
That was it, that was it.
That was a lot of fun, dude.
Yeah, it was great.
So you’re gonna cut all those out
before and that was my first try, yeah.

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Olympic Skeet Shooter Tries to Shoot Golf Balls Out of the Air | Shotgun Golf | Golf Digest

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