Mid Iron Swing Tips

Mid irons are the part of your game that bridges the gap between driving and chipping & putting, yet this part of the game is often overlooked by most amateur golfers. Understanding your mid irons distances can be the difference between laying up on a shot, landing in a troubling creek bed just below the green, or landing safely on the green.

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Hey golfers, Troy Klongerbo here with USGolfTV, and today we’re going to talk about course management. Now a lot of instruction has been put out about how to hit drivers better, how to putt better, how to chip better, bunker play; but not too much attention is really focused to your mid irons, and really how to optimize those shots in your golf game. So today we’re going to spend some time talking about those.

Now for most golfers, they’re going to have anywhere from a 3 iron to a 4 iron all the way down to a pitching wedge, and that leaves us with about 7 or 8 golf clubs that we consider your irons. Now when controlling your distances, you may have upwards of 14 to 15 clubs that you consider irons based on just the way you grip the golf club.

You know, most irons are going to have a 10 yard increment between them, 10 to 12 yards. Now you can cut that in half just by controlling where you grip the club on the golf club. Choking down a little bit—maybe a little closer to the steel—that would be critical for understanding that you could take 5 yards maybe off an iron shot. Now you’re really filling those intervals in, and giving yourself a ton of different options when you’re on the course.

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So that’s the first big step, is understanding how far you’re hitting the golf ball. What plays into that is the lie you have when you’re playing. If you’re playing out of the rough, you might catch different lies based on whether it’s sitting up or sitting down. When you’re playing from the fairway, you may get a tight lie, or a lie that’s sitting in a divot, and all of those factors play in. It’s very important to understand how the lie interacts with the shot that you’re trying to hit.


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