Max Homa’s Golf Swing: What you Can Learn From It!

In this video, we break down Max Homa’s golf swing, and show you what you can learn from his motion. Max is one of the most successful golfers in the world, and his golf swing has many teachable aspects anyone can learn from.

If you’re wanting to improve your golf swing, then you need to watch this video! Max’s golf swing is simple but powerful, and he’ll show you how you can use it to play better golf. In this video, you’ll learn about the different components of Max’s golf swing, and how you can use them to improve your game, and shoot lower scores.

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Hey everybody thanks for tuning in I'm George Conley with scratch golf tips and Today we're going to be looking at the Golf swing of Max Homa and discussing a Few things that we can take away from Max home with swing that anyone can Learn from and uh hopefully utilize to Improve their own golf swing now Max Home is Success on tour has been the Result of a lot of hard work I think his Swing has really come around nicely he's Also done a ton of mental work on his Game so it's important to note that Obviously his swing is great he's one of The best golfers in the world but there Is work outside of the swing that he has Done that has contributed to his recent Success but in terms of the Swing itself I think Max Holmes swing currently has One of the best tempos or swing Rhythms On tour uh watching it uh just in real Time speed there's so much to like it's It's a very conducive swing to excellent Short iron play and wedge play because He doesn't go uh you know he doesn't Have one of these really fast Tempo Swings that can you know certainly hit Drivers very far but get a little bit Inconsistent when it comes to wedges and Short irons he just seems like he has so Much control and that's really a lot in The dialing those wedges and his Proximity to hole with short irons but There are other aspects of his swing

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That have really allowed him to do Better with those long irons and drivers I think one of the main things that we Can see from this angle is how he Doesn't really get his hands crazy high In the air and I normally when I'm Talking about getting your hands high The person that I'll turn to is Justin Thomas his hands are super high up in The air at the top of the backswing Right before transition and I think Houma actually spoke a little bit about How he tried to do that but he couldn't He didn't have the flexibility the Mobility to do so so he flattened it out A little bit now you look at this Backswing the top of the vacuum position Those hands aren't low it's not like 2000 2012 Ricky Fowler low but Comparatively to you know the zala Taurus the Justin Thomas who do have Those High hands it is a little bit Flatter but that's just what home is Working with and rotationally he can Absolutely get away with it because he's A fairly strong guy decent stature so he Doesn't need to have this crazy Explosive move but he has enough Strength where that upper body can Really create a lot of work through Impact and that helps him out a lot also At the top of the backswing we see Basically a perfectly flat wrist from The forearm angle and this is something

That we don't see much we've obviously Seen guys who have had a ton of success Like ROM and Dustin Johnson who have a Lot of flex in that wrist hinge that's Something that home also doesn't have Sometimes when people try and utilize That wrist hinge it can really Negatively often affect the control of The club face so I think that again That's probably something home Experimented with and he found didn't Work for him I think Homa has created a Nearly ideal swing for his skill set and What he can do with it and then once you Have that then you can really dial in Other aspects of your game like distance Control the mental side the short game And that's what can create a good golfer Now the final thing within the golf Swing that I think is probably the most Teachable part of Homer's golf swing is The posture at address as well as the Maintaining of that posture throughout The golf swing you'll often also hear The concept of posture in the golf swing Referred to as the spine angle which is Just the angle that the spine is in Correlation to the rest of the body if You put a line on home is back at a Dress it's a very solid posture then you Look at that posture at the top of the Backswing and then you look at that Posture at impact and through impact It's just textbook I think you can just

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You can learn a lot just from watching How that posture maintains some people Stand really straight at the ball and Then they hunch down a little bit at Impact and that lack of maintaining Posture does two things one it's going To change your low Point control and Where that club face enters the ground Or hits up with the driver if you don't Have that low Point control it is Incredibly difficult to be a consistent Ball Striker another thing that will Happen over time if you can't maintain That spine angle or have decent posture Is you are asking for a back injury at That point we've seen it I think will Zala Taurus had a has had some back Issues he's changed his swing as a Result a little bit but he had a really Really intense spine angle change at Impact and I think that that definitely Hurt his golf and hurt him physically Obviously I look at a swing like Joaquin Neiman who is a very young golfer a very Strong golfer but there is a very high Probability that he will have some back Pain as he plays a lot of golf obviously And if that back isn't in great Positions at impact over time it will Wear him out same thing happen with Tiger Woods tiger went through a phase Where his spine angle was not maintained Perfectly through the golf swing and we All know that Tiger's back is something

That really prevents him from unlocking The potential that he has even at his Current age so in summation of Max's Golf swing I think it's um just a Typical swing that a lot of people can Look at and learn from not only in terms Of the posture but the tempo there's so Much to like about Max as a human he's Obviously great and very transparent but I think there's a lot to learn from him Just taking what he has and making an Excellent golf swing out of it also Working very hard on the mental game and Being a fierce competitor I think that He's just a great example for a lot of People and the swing there are so many Points to learn upon I'd love to hear Your thoughts on the golf swing of Max Homo whenever people look at swings There's always certain things that they Gravitate towards so I don't obviously Address everything in Max's golf swing I Like to look at you know like I said Posture Tempo Rhythm all that good stuff But if you have any more thoughts I'd Love to hear them in the comment section Below you guys seem to be enjoying these Swing analysis and the what you can Learn from blanks swing videos so I I'd Love to do more your feedback is always Appreciated if you leave a like rating It helps YouTube show this content to More people and it also helps me know What kind of content you are all

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Enjoying if you want to see more content Like this in terms of Swing analysis as Well as generalized golf tips advice and Drills that will help you become more Confident on the golf course feel free To subscribe to the scratch golf tips YouTube channel we also have over 150 Videos already on the channel if you Want to go back through them as always We thank you very much for watching play Well and take care [Music] Thank you [Music]