Learn From Tommy Fleetwood’s Golf Swing

If you’re passionate about golf, you must have come across Tommy Fleetwood’s unique swing. The English golfer has been making headlines for his perfect swing that has earned him numerous wins and accolades in his career. But what sets his swing apart from the rest? In this blog post, we’ll take an in-depth look at Tommy Fleetwood’s golf swing, the techniques, and tips you can learn from his swing to improve your game. So, fasten your seatbelt and let’s dive in!

Learn From Tommy Fleetwood’s Golf Swing


Tommy Fleetwood is one of the most successful professional golfers in the world. He has won numerous tournaments, including the European Tour, and has gained recognition for his amazing golf swing. His swing is so unique and efficient that it can benefit amateur golfers who are struggling with their game. In this article, we will break down Fleetwood’s golf swing and dissect the elements that make it so successful.

Consistency in Ball Striking is More Important than Yardage

When it comes to golf, the yardage is not always the most important factor. What sets successful golfers apart is their ability to consistently hit the ball well, regardless of the distance. In Fleetwood’s golf swing, you can observe how he prioritizes consistency over length. His swing is self-contained and compact, allowing him to consistently strike the ball cleanly. Amateur golfers can learn from this and develop a more consistent golf swing.

Fleetwood Generates Power Through Effective Leg Movement

Fleetwood generates power through effective leg movement and strength in the lower body. He uses his legs to initiate the downswing and transfer the energy to the clubhead. This technique results in a more powerful and consistent swing. Amateur golfers can develop greater power by putting more emphasis on the leg movement in their own golf swing.

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The Right Shoulder Coming Down Creates an Upward Angle of Attack

Fleetwood’s golf swing depends on the right shoulder coming down to create an upward angle of attack. This technique works well with the driver and wood clubs. However, caution is needed when using iron clubs. These clubs require a more downward angle of attack to properly strike the ball. Golfers can learn from Fleetwood’s swing and make the necessary adjustments while using different types of clubs.

Fleetwood’s Swing Tempo is Consistent and Flowing

Fleetwood’s swing tempo is consistent and flowing, which helps him create a more efficient swing. He avoids any hitches or quick movements that can lead to inconsistent ball striking. Golfers can benefit from this technique by working on their own tempo and developing a more consistent swing.

Fleetwood’s Slightly Shut Club Face at Transition is Common for Good Iron Players

Fleetwood’s slightly shut club face at transition is common for good iron players. This technique helps in controlling the trajectory of the golf ball. However, it can create a hooking tendency. To avoid this, Fleetwood clears his hips correctly to open the clubface. Amateur golfers can learn from this and improve their iron play by focusing on their hip rotation.

Fleetwood Excels in Trajectory Control and Performs Well in Windy Conditions Overseas

Fleetwood has a great ability to control the trajectory of his golf shots. This unique technique makes him incredibly successful while playing in windy conditions. Amateur golfers can learn how to control the trajectory of their shots by focusing on their ball position and utilizing the appropriate club. Fleetwood’s swing is a prime example of how effective trajectory control can lead to better golf.

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Tommy Fleetwood’s golf swing has a lot to teach amateur golfers. His consistency, effective leg movement, emphasis on ball striking, and control of trajectory are all techniques that can be learned and implemented into their own swing. By studying Fleetwood’s golf swing, amateur golfers can improve their golf game and start winning more consistently.

FAQs after the Conclusion

  1. Can I learn Fleetwood’s golf swing overnight?

No, learning Fleetwood’s golf swing requires patience and dedication, but consistent practice can help you.

  1. What are the most important elements of Fleetwood’s golf swing?

The important elements are consistency, effective leg movement, control over the trajectory of the shot, and the right shoulder coming down creates an upward angle of attack.

  1. How can amateur golfers incorporate Fleetwood’s techniques into their own golf swing?

Amateur golfers need to practice consistently and focus on specific elements of Fleetwood’s swing, such as effective hip rotation, consistent swing tempo, and trajectory control.

  1. Are there any risks involved in using Fleetwood’s golf swing?

The risks are minimal, but it’s essential to clear your hips correctly while using the club.

  1. Can Fleetwood’s golf swing work for every golfer?

It’s not possible, but amateur golfers can learn and incorporate some of the techniques to improve their own golf game.