Ladies Golf: The Chest Area In The Golf Swing | Women And Golf

#DrGretaGolf #LadiesGolf #GolfSwingForLargeChestedGolfers

For large-chested women (and men) who play golf, the chest can stand in the way of developing a consistent, effective golf swing.

In this video, Dr. Greta provides a simple adjustment for large-chested golfers looking to improve her swing. Learning how to eliminate this issue using these simple golf tips can help in developing a smooth, easy golf swing!

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Camera – Canon M50:
Lens – Sigma 18-35mm F.18 Lens for Canon:
RODE VideoMic Shotgun Microphone:
RODE Wireless Go Compact Wireless Mic System:
Blue Yeti Microphone:
Fovitec Two-Light Softbox Kit:
MACTREM Professional Tripod:
Joby GorillaPod 3K Pro Rig:
Editing Software – Final Cut Pro X:

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