Choosing Your Golf Swing Plane!
A consistent swing plane is critical to a good golf swing and to a good golf game. There is much discussion about the one plane swing versus the two plane swing. Each player should choose the swing plane that he is most comfortable with and that fits his physical statue and capabilities.
Golf Putting Yips: It’s NOT About The GripThe putting yips happen when you lose your fine motor skills needs to make a putt. You might be unable to make a confident stroke, or unable to even take a backswing. Your brain may tell you to stop, and you may be frozen in your motion. The golf putting yips are a trauma-based affliction that will force you to lose your fine motor skills, and the first casualty will be your score.
Swing ThoughtsI have been coaching golfers for many years and the first thing that I tell them is to stop thinking! For whatever reason, golf is the only sport where the participant actually thinks himself out of good performance.
Golf Accessories for All OccasionsGolf has grown to be an extremely popular sport over the years. Enjoyed by men and women young and old the most famous of games has brought to life golf accessories for all occasions over the years. The market has become its own worst enemy because of the thousands of manufactures it can be quite a chore to figure out just what the golfer needs to buy.
How to Hit a Low Golf Shot Under TreesOne of the great aspects of golf is the number of different situations we face during just one round of golf, and the more tools we can apply to get out of those sticky situations with a minimum of damage may be the difference of five or six, or more, strokes in our handicap. One of those sticky situations we invariably encounter is when we need to hit a low golf shot under trees. There are always more than one way to extricate you from this situation, and sometimes the safe way, to just get the ball back on…
Swing Like A Pro With Golf Swing TrainingBeing involved in a sport where silence is your friend and noise is your biggest enemy, at least before you tee off, is still a great way to relax and compete with your friends. There are many sports today that require great focus and expertise. One of the greatest traits that you must possess when playing golf is focus.
Golf Course Yips: Not A Death Sentence, You Can Get Over ThemYou don’t want to see your friends suffering through the problem, and you sure as heck don’t want to come down with a case yourself. The golf course yips can destroy your game and leave you begging to be able to hit the ball like you used to.
Get The Best Golf Ball For YouDiscovery of best golf ball is very important because it gives the consumers more multiple choices to find their best. This gives the consumers the best results on their golf balls game and gives them more chances to improve their performance.
The Practice Makes the MasterAs with any sport there is a certain amount of practice that has to go into it if you want to be good. So you must practice your golf game. One of the best places to start is at the driving range. All reputable golf courses will have one. All players should spend some time on the driving range to practice shots as well as get warmed up for a round on the links.
6 Hot New Golf Drivers on the MarketNow that golf season is almost here for most of us, I think it is a good time to consider some of the hot new golf drivers on the market. This discussion is not meant to be a comprehensive look at all the new drivers on the market, but merely a look at a few that we thought deserving of taking a closer look at if you are in the market. As usual, most companies are now out promoting their hot new golf drivers, so let’s examine a few.
Relax for a More Powerful Golf SwingA crucial point to be observed in the development of a fluid and powerful golf swing is the concept of letting the arms just go along for the ride. What this means is that you want your arms to be relaxed and free of any tension throughout the entire swing motion – they should simply transfer the power generated by the rotation of your torso.
Fixing Your Golf SwingWhen the winter winds begin to blow and frost is on the pumpkin it is time to store your golf clubs in moth balls and patiently wait for spring right? Wrong. This is the best time to improve your swing.