I bought random golfers ANY clubs they want!


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Hi I’m Rick Shiels, welcome to my channel RickShielsPGAGolf. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, also to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf club reviews, golf club unboxing, golf club news, golf club head to heads, and all about golf clubs.

I also want to make you play better golf by providing coaching video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!

On this channel I also make fun and entertaining golf content based on crazy and sometimes “gimmicky” golf clubs. I like to cut through the marketing hype about products and I like to give you the honest truth about golf equipment.

If you enjoy the channel make sure you hit subscribe and also tap the notification bell so that you are always notified when I release a new video.

All right guys welcome back to the Channel I'm here in the USA It's the Final day here now film some Mega Content this week which will be coming Out on the channel very soon if it's not Already now considering it's our last Day I want to give something to my Fantastic USA subscribers now in the UK So far we've done a few giveaways where I'll surprise someone and go and buy Them a driver or a set of clubs well Let's maybe do that in the USA before we Jump on our flight back home we're going To go through a huge Golf Superstore and See if we can meet some fans and see if We can buy and some really cool golf Equipment all right guys so we're here Superstar I've never been in the golf Shop so big in my life now just on a Quick look around and there's loads of Things literally so right now I'm gonna Post an Instagram and a tweet first Person to get here and say you're a Subscriber we're gonna go shopping I'm Gonna go stand in the shade because it's Really really hot A few moments later Just seen the Tweet are you a subscriber I am you want me to show you I got you Nice and what's your name Stone Gomez I Looked at your thing I was like oh Quick love it let's do it real simple Okay five minutes five minutes whatever A thousand books all right cool however


If you've got any time left okay I'll Use that with somebody else that turns Up okay okay perfect so if you do it Fast great okay you ready yeah on your Marks get set go cool let's go A casual start What you thinking for I'm thinking Definitely need some golf balls right That's right I can't play golf that golf Balls you can't so they're gonna go Straight to probe ones okay gotta go Boxes just one just one for now I do Need new wedges so this is perfect okay I'm switching my wedges over I have was Playing a 58 and a 54. but I'm thinking Going 52 56 60. don't be too chilled out We're out of time so four minutes 30. All right so let's go look at some Wedges I think that's the uh Excuse me sir So Focus what are you gonna go with I Kind of want the black ones over here These ones just look sick all right Let's get well we're gonna be quick yeah Let's get a 52 okay Let's go with the 56 is over here 56. All right let's do another eight degrees Cool okay we got three minutes 30 left All right I don't even know how much Money on that don't worry we can work it Out all right ah let's do oh I can't Believe how chill you are Putter driver irons A driver ooh the stealth let's just grab

One yeah let's try that one cool so Stealth yeah milky wedges and you've got A grand total of 2 minutes 50 left two Minutes let's get some teas and you Can't hit a driver without no teeth Gotta get some teas you gotta grab all The things you can get you've got to got Teeth I got a little I can't complain Too much with three brand new wedges a Driver Some golf ball you can't complain I already got a Scotty okay okay I'm Glad I'm glad you don't want another one Yesterday You can get some shoes Okay so I'd recommend Echo I think we Need to run a little bit we're starting To jog okay we're going I have no idea where I'm going but I'll Show you oh you got you know where They're at cool cool cool hold it down There they have a whole section for him What size are you uh 12 and a half oh Wow I'd like to go that big Perfect those ones perfect let's do it You've got to carry all this as well Yeah right Um you've got one minute forty left ah Let's just give it to you said the rest Of the time we'll go for somebody else If you want it let's do it let's do it Okay time has stopped Okay let's bless somebody else today Well that's not a bad little hole there

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No no I don't think I can complain Whatsoever I appreciate the chance for This this is awesome so stealth three I Don't think you've got over budget These are about 181 I don't think so We'll figure out let's let's tear this All up and then we've got one minute Thirty for someone else cool Thank you thank you appreciate you Appreciate the content love it with the One minute 30 left we've got three new Players what's your name Johnny Johnny Kyle Kyle and Adam Adam right you've all Got 30 seconds each okay the limit is five Hundred dollars But in 30 seconds okay Oh What are you going for oh I guess we'll Just already have a lot I already like My wedges but we're gonna go for a Couple more yeah that's it I need some Golf balls now Probably one probe one there you go 15 seconds left We gotta go Five seconds Three Two one Oh wow okay What have we got Sky Cameron Putters Nice two Scotty Camerons a vulky wedge Pro V ones Pro V ones let's let's tell It all up honestly 30 seconds goes by so

Quickly when you're kind of just like in A friend like you know Rush basically Whatever I saw I knew originally I Wanted the little putter I wasn't gonna Spoil myself just yet didn't even end up Spoiling myself shout out to Rick man he Does great content Of course we need some golf balls man if You want to play today well man decided To go straight for the wedges kind of Panic didn't know really 30 seconds not a lot of times I'm not gonna say where I work out but I Called out of work for this so this is Kind of crazy man like sometimes you Just got to risk it you know have a Personal day off and you know I took the Day off from work and again can't say Where I work because you know I still Need this job but here I am it's crazy 1 300. you got 200 left guys well it's Running stone stone spent a little bit Over so it's hard thanks Rick make sure You guys subscribe And subscribe Everyone appreciate your content we Appreciate your team thank you for Coming to check us out in Florida man Truly this is surreal And just like Stone I want to thank you For subscribing to the channel by giving Away a brand new Callaway Paradigm Driver all you've got to do is like this Video leave a comment on the video and Be a subscriber we are fast approaching

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2.5 million there'll be one winner Picked at random and they will be Contacted by my official YouTube account Good luck everyone