How to Start Golfing // Being Basic with Paige Beginner Golf Series

I know a lot of you are golfers, however I also know a lot of you are not but are interested in learning how to play – so I’m starting this series for you! “Being Basic with Paige” is going to take you through all the basics of learning to play golf, starting with this intro video that will give you:

– What clubs I recommend to start, and how to get them (you can find them cheap!)
– What clothes to wear
– Where to start learning how to play golf
– The basic setup, including grip, body position, and stance

In upcoming videos I’m going to go more in-depth into each of these topics, but I wanted to start out with a good general overview! There aren’t a ton of good resources out there for the very new golfer, so hopefully this helps.

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Intro/Outro Music by Joakim Karud – d

See also  MOST IMPORTANT MOVEMENT IN THE GOLF SWING (how to practice it..)

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