A lot of people are trying to make swing changes which is a good thing. Problem is, few ever change. This tip shows you how to make swing changes super-fast.

I know making swing changes is hard. I literally spent over 10 years changing my golf swing so I know all about it. The problem is, what you want to do versus what you should be doing. In other words, you want to keep doing your old swing even though you are trying to learn how to change to something new. This is disconnect is due to human nature and you wanting to make you comfortable.

Making swing changes is not comfortable so in no time you will go right back to your old swing and never learn how to change anything. My students come from all over the world and are typically here only for a few hours over the course of a day or two so this means I’ve had to learn how to make swing changes super-fast.

Watch this tip and think about what you have been working on. Then use this information to try to make your swing changes differently in the future. If so, you will finally change your swing and master the moves you are trying to work on.

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In this tip I'm talking about overdoing It All right so what am I getting at a lot Of people you know they've trying to Make changes to their swing trying to Work on moves and positions and stuff Like that Great Problem is they try to do it exactly the Right amount and that is probably never Going to work because of human nature Human nature wants you to be comfortable Here's the example okay you have done a Really long back swing okay so your Friends all say wow you've got a really Long back swing so you get sick of them Saying that you go hey you know what I Should probably shorten my swing So what you do is instead of doing this Really long swing You try to go to a round parallel Okay so the first Couple attempts might be in the right Spot But then in two seconds You're back to here again And you never make the change that is Because human nature is telling you to Be comfortable Doing what you're doing okay so you're Comfortable right now doing this big Long back swing This is uncomfortable So that's why you'll do this for a few

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Moves and then you'll go right back to What's comfortable again so what I'm Saying is instead of trying to do Something exactly the right amount I want you to overdo it So if you were someone I'll use the Example again you're doing this big long Back swing To get this position right here you need To only go to here you'd have to overdo That change now you'd really hate this Position right here this would feel Super uncomfortable so what would you do You'd start going comfortable well Comfortable is right where you want to Be So you wouldn't go here in a few swings You'd go longer longer longer and now You're in the position you need to be in So you could make a change like super Fast All right so that's what I'm getting at A lot of these changes I do for people I Need to do that do it super fast 99 of my students come from all over the World I've got very little time with People you know two hours three hours They might be here for a day or two so I Have to make Massive changes usually in a very short Period of time so I need them to get These moves super fast So what I tend to do is overdo things Knowing the person will not do them that

Much you know like I just gave you the Example of the long swing all right so Whatever move you're working on I want you to think about overdoing it So one of my big ones is rolling the Face over closed okay so you know I've Heard this for years you know don't roll It over you're going to be really Inconsistent okay it's like I don't want You to roll it over Forever You know if someone is like this and They're hitting it with a massive slice If you tell them to go from massive Slice to dead Square In two seconds they will be back to Hitting massive slices again That's because you're going to go back To what's comfortable Okay so this is another example I'm Giving you so right here if you started With that And you rolled it over and you hit it With that that would be way overdone Wouldn't it Yeah and that would stop you slicing it I know you're not going to do that Forever You can do it less Okay I just need something to happen Super fast So I'm going to make people overdo the Move to then Have them back it off plus I would then

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Back it off into the exact position After giving it a few minutes of them Making that change all right there's a Million of these different changes I Need you to think about what are you Working on Okay and I guarantee you'll be nodding Your head when you think to yourself After I say this that you know whatever Move you've tried to do in the past you Never made the change you've tried to Change this this this and this and you Know what it never happens That's because you never overdo it human Nature's telling you to go back to What's comfortable You're comfortable doing your move so You never do the new one enough to get It into your swing okay so now try it Differently Do what I said Make this stuff More than what you think over do it Maybe go to a mirror or a window Understand what you're trying to do uh Oh big long swing I need it here But to get here I gotta go here Watch it in the mirror go okay that's The spot I'm going to try to do I'm Telling you you do that Within three to Ten balls you will be back up to perfect Okay so that's how you make changes you Overdo things

I can't go through all of them I'm just Giving you the idea Start over doing it you will back it off Due to human nature trying to get you Comfortable okay so you won't overdo it Forever but that's how you're going to Make changes super fast I truly hope you've enjoyed this tip Here's another tip that's going to help You improve your swing now right below That don't forget to click on that link Because I'm going to send you some free Samples of my body swing book and video Series that'll take you step by step by Step through how to build a powerful Effortless pain-free golf swing

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