If you’re wondering how to hit your irons pure, I have a simple drill for you. Literally, within 10 minutes of doing this drill you’ll be striking your irons more solidly and consistently than ever.
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So many people struggle when hitting irons which is costing them a ton of shots. This drill is not about hitting down on the ball. It is not about forward shaft lean through impact. It’s not about changing your grip or anything else. You may have tired those things in the past and they don’t work because they have you hitting the ball with your arms.
If you want to hit your irons pure you need to stop doing all of those things. This best drill for irons and it’s totally different to anything you have ever tried in the past.
The next time you’re at the range give this a try. I need you to tee up your ball. Take out a mid iron and hit a whole bucket of balls doing this drill. Then adjust as I explain in the tip as you get better at it.
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