In this tip I show you how to hit solid golf shots with both irons and driver. This is one thing that all pros do. If the pros do it, you need to do it too.

So many people struggle with hitting solid golf shots. They hit topped or thin irons, sky the driver and more. There is one thing that pros do and it starts as they do their setup routine and continues into their swings. You probably haven’t even noticed it but this is one of the main reasons amateurs struggle hitting solid golf shots with irons and driver.

Watch this tip and the next time you are at the range or even when you play take note of what you are doing as you set up to your shots and after you hit them. Unless, you’re a better player I can guarantee you are not doing this. This means you you need to start working on it asap if you want to hit solid golf shots with your irons and driver.

The more solid you hit the ball, the longer and more consistent your shots.

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See also  The Shoulder Plane in the Golf Swing

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