In this video we talk about how to fix dipping the back shoulder in a baseball swing! First we must identify if what we are actually doing is dipping the back shoulder in our swing. Because having your back shoulder lower than your front shoulder is actually promoting a good swing plane IF you have created the correct body angle or axis to swing around. If this is the case, then your swing plane in on point. But if you are dipping your back shoulder for real, then you need to check out:
Swing Plane Secrets
Instantly Increase Bat Speed Video
23 of the Best Baseball Hitting Drills EVER
Drive the Baseball with these Pro Hitting Mechanics
Bat Speed Secrets
What is the best bat path for hitting a baseball?
How to create the perfect Swing Plane for hitting a baseball
How to stop fouling off pitches and start crushing line drives!
25 things Josh Donaldson taught me about Swing Plane
Swing Plane/Bat Path
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