Hit It Longer! 3 Simple Set Up Tweaks for More Distance!

When looking to add more distance to their golf shots, one must pay attention to the setup. In this blog post, three simple tweaks will be discussed to help them hit the ball longer.

Hit It Longer! 3 Simple Set Up Tweaks for More Distance!


When it comes to improving your golf game, getting more distance off the tee can make a huge difference in lowering your scores. Scratch Golf Tips has released a new video focusing on three simple set up tweaks that can help you hit the ball longer and more accurately. Let’s dive in and see how these adjustments can help you optimize your drives.

Set Up Adjustments for Better Drive Distance

  1. Stance: To maximize your drive distance, ensure your feet are just outside shoulder width apart. This stance provides a solid base for generating power and control during your swing.

  2. Flare Out Front Foot: By flaring out your front foot slightly, you can improve hip rotation, allowing for a smoother and more powerful swing. This adjustment enables you to tap into your body’s natural torque and increase clubhead speed.

  3. Open Hips: Pointing your front foot towards the target helps open up your hips during the swing, promoting a more efficient transfer of energy from your body to the club. This increased rotation can lead to longer and straighter drives down the fairway.

Optimizing Launch Angle and Ball Flight

Scratch Golf Tips emphasizes the importance of dropping the right shoulder and lifting the lead shoulder when using the driver. This subtle change in shoulder positioning optimizes the launch angle of the ball, resulting in a higher trajectory and improved ball flight. By making these adjustments, you can add valuable yards to your drives and gain a competitive edge on the course.

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In conclusion, the video by Scratch Golf Tips provides valuable insights into enhancing your drive distance with three simple set up tweaks. By incorporating these adjustments into your pre-shot routine, you can unlock greater power, accuracy, and consistency off the tee. Elevate your game and watch your drives soar to new lengths with these effective tips.


  1. How can adjusting my stance help improve drive distance?
    Adjusting your stance to a wider position just outside shoulder width can provide a more stable base for generating power and control during your swing, resulting in increased distance off the tee.

  2. Why is flaring out the front foot beneficial for hip rotation?
    Flaring out the front foot allows for better hip rotation during the swing, enabling you to harness more torque and generate higher clubhead speed for longer drives.

  3. What impact does opening the hips have on drive performance?
    Pointing the front foot towards the target opens up the hips, facilitating a smoother transfer of energy from the body to the club, ultimately leading to longer and more accurate drives.

  4. How does adjusting shoulder positioning affect launch angle and ball flight?
    Dropping the right shoulder and lifting the lead shoulder optimizes the launch angle of the ball, resulting in a higher trajectory and improved ball flight, allowing for longer and straighter drives.

  5. Can these set up tweaks be applied by golfers of all skill levels?
    Yes, the set up tweaks recommended by Scratch Golf Tips are simple yet effective adjustments that can benefit golfers of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned pros.