Golf Tips – Winter Program of Improvement

In this series of Good golf tips we are looking at a Winter program of Improvement .Luther has his friend Nick in the Golf studio. Nick hits his Drivers Ok but its his Iron shots that need improving. Luther introduces Nick to the Carpet Beater Drill. Lets see how they get on.
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So if you like our lessons and you are looking to improve your golf let me introduce you to some of our teaching aids.

Explanar Your Shortcut to a perfect swing.

The Key Putting Skill is the ability to roll the golf ball

If you are within reach of Milton Keynes and you would like some lessons at our teaching Unit email us at

See also  Rickie Folwer Amazing Driver Golf Swing Sequence, リッキーファウラーアメージングドライバーゴルフスイングシーケンス, 리키 파울러

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