👀Watch all the way to help fix your short putts👀
Most golfers have trouble putting. The issue is a combination of motion and speed. The biggest difference in good players and bad players when it comes to putting is how they practice. Tour professionals are great at putts under 5 feet and have extremely high make rates at those distances. There percentage made goes down a lot after 10 feet just like the rest of us. Amateurs struggle the most with short putts, but I consistently see them practice longer putts. If you want to be a better putter, practice this drill with 5 footers. Make 30 putts, not in a row. Just make 30 when you get to the course or before you leave. You will be surprised how good your putting will get and how fast it will get there..For more tips and drills like this download the GOLFTEC app and find a GOLFTEC coach in your area.
Golf Tips / Putting / Speed