Golf Tips 101: How To Not Embarrass Yourself At The Driving Range!

Welcome to “Golf Tips 101” with Lucky and Shea!

Have you ever been nervous about going to the driving range?

Well in today’s golf tutorial, Shea will show you the basic steps to follow so that you don’t look like an amateur while filling up your range bucket from the golf ball dispenser.

By following these simple steps, you will ensure yourself no embarrassment at least until you start swinging your clubs on the range… that’s for another tutorial 🙂

Hit em’ straight and have fun!

#golfadventureswithluckyandshea #golfbasics #golftips



Hi! We’re Lucky & Shea, a couple who love playing golf together! Welcome to our channel “Golf Adventures with Lucky and Shea.” Join us as we hit into bunkers, lip out puts and split the occasional fairway all while showcasing golf course highlights, befriending the locals and finding the go-to 19th holes.

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