GOLF: The Most Important Swing Plane In Golf

The Most Important Swing Plane In Golf

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Everyone talks about the backswing plane and the downswing plane, but not a lot of people talk about the vertical swing plane.

When I say vertical swing plane, I’m talking about it during the downswing and at impact. In the checkpoint videos we did, you’ll notice where we draw the line up the shaft during the setup. So, when you draw the line up the shaft, the idea is that the angle the shafts starts on, you more or less want to get back to impact on that same angle. Getting that angle right effects everything – club face control and hitting the ball in the middle of the face has to do with this.

See also  Swing Wizzard Golf Aid, Golf Swing Plane, Stan Sayers, Golf Instructor

When I deliver the club more vertically, it pulls the mass of the club and the weight of the club and clubhead in towards my body. That’s a big reason a lot of you guys get toe shots. If the shaft gets too vertical and the club comes in, you hit the ball off the toe. Oftentimes when the shaft gets too low, I see the opposite problem of heel shots.

How much wrist hinge you do or don’t have during the downswing is the primary dictator of the angle of the shaft. If I want to have a lower shaft angle at impact, I want to have more hinge in my left wrist. If I want to have a higher angle at impact, I want to unhinge my left wrist more. Most golfers like me who hit pushes and hooks have a shaft angle that’s too high. You need to feel like you maintain this hinge, not like a lag deal.


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