Golf Takeaway Drill – Keep your Hands from Rolling Over

Golf Takeaway Drill – Golf drill that trains your hands into bringing the club back square, without rolling over to the side.

Another drill if you’re struggling to get the feeling of a one piece takeaway. I use a range basket in the video but you could just as easily use a basketball or beach ball.

► Golf Takeaway Drill – Video Golf Lesson Summary

– Set up as you would for a golf swing but hold in your hands a range basket (or basketball) instead of a club, the open end of the basket pointing forward and down a little.

– Practice your takeaway while making sure the open end of the basket points straight back when it reaches around the hip level – the end of the takeaway.

– If your hands have a tendency to roll over during the takeaway, the open end of the basket will not face straight back but will instead point behind your body.

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