www.csquaregolf.com Golf Swing Lesson. Sifu Richard Silva Black Belt and Master Teacher shows you how to create to create a good finish position to complete the basic golf swing in this golf swing lesson for beginners. Based on a compilation of several golf swing drills often seen on youtube and golf websites, Sifu has created a new golf swing lesson for beginners with golf tips you can practice to improve your basic golf swing. This beginner golf swing lesson uses the concept of closing the door and will give you a better understanding of impact position for your basic golf swing. In this golf swing lesson, Sifu takes you through each of the steps for this basic swing lesson so you can practice at home. By using these simple golf tips and learning how to turn all the way through and using the resistance of the door, this golf lesson will reinforces how to master the correct completion of your golf swing for consistency every time you swing your club. Thanks for watching. See you out there.
Golf Swing Lessons – Beginners Basic Golf Swing How To: Master Teacher on YouTube Sifu Richard Silva