Golf Mental Tips – Putting Exercise
Golf Mental Tips – Best Putting Exercise

OK we know that if you want to have a great ‘mental toughness’ you have to believe that you are the best golfer playing in the match / tournament and that means you have to believe you are great at putting so here is a little exercise that will really help you improve by teaching you how to just trust your golfing instinct. Trust in your game is a must in golf psychology, therefore you have to take the time to learn how to trust your ability and just trust that you have the skills required to play well – as we say golf really does need you to perfect your ‘inner game of golf’ because that is where you will win or lose. It is usually not the physical side of the game that lets you down but your mental toughness!

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This video is aimed at helping you in the following areas: Golf Mental Tips, Golf Psychology, How to play golf, golf, golf tips, golf instruction, Linda Candy, golfing tips, golf tips for beginners, golf mental toughness, learning golf, inner game of golf, golf mental game, golf techniques, how to golf, golf lessons, mental toughness, Linda Candy Golf, mental game of golf, M

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