Golf Life goes One-On-One with Golf Model Bri Teresi

Five Ways to Protect Your Golf Equipment

Golf represents a sport that a large number of individuals regularly participate in for means of competition, entertainment, as well as relaxation. Individuals of any age or any sex find a tremendous level of appeal, when it comes to this very relaxing and challenging athletic opportunity. When you have made the investment associated with golf equipment, it is often important to identify the best opportunities available to you, in order to protect this equipment.

Concentrate On Your Golf Swing

To be a good golfer you have to get really good at the most important part of the game: hitting the ball. This is a problem area for beginning golfers, thinking there is not much too actually hitting a ball with a club. However, this part of the game is a most technical and important skill. It looks simple. Smack the ball and it goes where you have your eyes trained. But then you quickly realize the ball has arrived in the tree-line or upside the head of the poor guy standing next to you…that is if you hit the ball at all! More times than not, many of those first swings are inadvertent landscaping modifications. The ball just a witness to those landscaping “improvements.” Below we will discuss some of the things sure to improve your golf swing, keeping your landscaping chores for another time.

Improving Your Golfing Performance

If you’re at all like me, you absolutely love the game of golf. Even though many beginners and amateur golfers may in fact need to improve their game considerably, they still love hitting the links and learning as they play.

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Ten Top Golf Tips For Beginners

There are as many tips for amateur golfers as there are, well, amateur golfers. For the amateur, however, one of the very first lessons should be to ask yourself if you really and truly love this game. The game of golf requires time, and a great deal of it. Aside from time, there is also money invested in establishing a decent game of golf. Yes, a lot can be said about developing business relationships on a golf course, but if you can’t stand the game, you’re better off meeting over drinks and/or dinner, where there is nothing but a glass or a utensil in your hand.

Fitness in Golf

Most golfers understand that fitness in golf is important, but what they do not understand is how to go about achieving it. Understanding golf fitness is not complicated, but it does require a commitment from you to your game as well as your general health.

Which Golf Swing Trainers Should You Consider

Golfers looking to cure their faults and improve their power and consistency should consider golf swing trainers or commonly referred to as training aids. The only issue I have is you must make sure it addresses your specific fault to fix it. I know that may sound pretty simple, but I can’t tell you how many golfers on a whim buy one that really doesn’t address the root cause of their mishits, lack of power and consistency. I’m a big proponent in using swing trainers for golfers that allow you to actually hit balls while using it to give you instant feedback as to what you did incorrectly on that particular attempt.

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How to Stop Hitting the Ball Fat

You’re on the first tee. Everyone is watching. You swing and hit the ball fat! This is one of the worst feelings you can have and something your golfing buddies will not soon let you forget! Okay, it’s happened. Let it go. Let’s now focus on why did this happen and how can we avoid it from happening again.

Golf Stretching for a Better Golf Game

Golf stretching before practicing or playing golf serves several purposes. First, it allows you to take a full swing. If your muscles and ligaments are tight, you will feel like you are making a full swing, but you are not. Second, it makes your swing more fluid.

Become An Impressive Golfer

I never could understand how golfers could glean pleasure from chasing a little white ball down the fairway. Watching golf games on TV did not tempt me in the least to investigate the sport no matter how impressive the shots and how lucrative and status quo oriented it was.

Improve As A Golfer

Here is the scenario; you are on a picture perfect course, when at the putting green you have somehow managed a double bogey. Meanwhile your good friend who you have beaten in almost everything else pulls a two under par.

How To Improve Your Golfing Technique

The golf swing can be one of the most complicated things to master in all sports, if golfers have this mindset. However, if golfers follow a few, easy tips they can have a swing that feels natural and yields excellent results.

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Is Your Golf Swing Good Enough?

Many golf instructors and information in golfing magazines have completely confused golfers. For some reason, the golfing industry has led golfers to believe there is a right and wrong way to swing a golf club. This is true to an extent; however, many golfers had a good swing, but simply ruined it due to all of these new theories.

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