Golf Lesson: The Most Important Lesson

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Ever think about what the most important lesson in golf would be? Most would say impact. If you’re thinking this you’re wrong. This tip explains what they most important lesson in golf actually is.

Once you understand it, you will see how important it is that you remember it and check it constantly.

Also, in this tip I show you a video that was sent in by a follower wondering how he could get more distance. In looking at his swing there is now way he would ever hit it any longer because he was not following the most important golf lesson.

Hitting the ball longer requires you to use your body not just your arms. Once this gentleman is in the right position he can then start using his body and will quickly start to hit the ball longer than ever.

Like I said, watch this video and remember it and constantly check it.

Please visit the link below to start learning a powerful, effortless, pain-free golf swing:

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See also  David Leadbetter - The Golf Swing (2005)

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