Playing golf in the rain is something that all golfers have done, and some actually enjoy; like me. While you may not want to play in the rain, there are some simple things you can do to be comfortable and play well. In this golf vlog you will not only see me play in 43 degree rain and wind, but learn some of the golf tips and tricks I have learned over the years of playing tournament golf.
Golf in the rain starts with a good mindset. Those that play golf in the rain with a bad attitude, are making a challenging situation, more difficult.
Golf in the rain requires preparation of your equipment and your clothes. I will show you in detail what I use and explain why. Have the right tools is critical to playing golf in the rain and being comfortable.
As I am playing golf in the rain I will talk about and show you golf tips and golf strategies that I use and golf professionals around the world use to score their best when playing golf in the rain.
I will review golf tips for beginners and golf tips from the pros. So no matter the level of golf you play, club play or tournament golf, there are great golf tips and tricks for everyone.
If you are interested in some of the equipment I used in this video, please use the following links. The small commission we make is used to help increase the quality of the content.
Rain Jacket –
Rain Pants –
Rain Hat –
Rain Gloves –
Water Proof Golf Bag –
Umbrella –
Water Proof Golf Shoes –
GoPro Water Proof Camera –
Range Finder – t