GOLF: How To Hit The Ball A Lot Farther Without Swinging Faster

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**Here’s the link to the best golf training aid I’ve ever seen, LiveView+PLUS Use the coupon code ECGOLF to get $40 off your purchase!
You can watch my review of the original version of Live View Golf here


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Here are links to some of our favorite golf training aids:
-Tour Striker Smart Ball:
-The Callaway Chip Stix:

You can learn more about our bestselling SLICE FIX TRAINING PROGRAM at

Trackman Charts showing the angle of attack, club head speed and distance:

There are some things you can do to hit your ball a lot farther without swinging faster.

After clubhead speed, the angle of attack is the most important method of gaining distance. The more upward you can make the club work through impact the farther you will hit the ball. It can lead up to as much as 20-30 more yards off the tee – and that is with your exact same clubhead speed.

In this video, I also run through some setup pieces and a drill you can do to increase your angle of attack


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See also  HOW TO AIM CORRECTLY | Simple Golf Tips

1) Used it personally. (which will be the case the vast majority of the time)

2) Thoroughly researched it and gotten first-hand user feedback from other professionals I trust and that have used the product/service.

We want to give a special thanks to Bob D’Amica at Infinity Golf in Phillipsburg, NJ for providing us such a great winter practice facility and allowing us to film. You can find them at 224 Stockton St., Phillipsburg, NJ 08865. 908-455-5663.

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