golf for uncoordinated dorks – complete tutorial

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table of contents:

I. my core principles (theories)
1. dyslexia principle
2. the golf ball is a moving target (relative motion principle)
3. avoid unnecessary hinges (hinge minimization principle)
II. tutorial scope
III. essence of golf
IV. SMART goals
V. the grip
VI. applications of my core techniques and theories
A. stance alignment
B. putting
C. swing plane: body posture, wrist angle and elbow angle
D. chipping
E. full swing
F. punch shot
G. pitching
H. bunker shot
VII. more tips
A. golf is forgiving, and that’s bad
B. respect the moosh
C. ball above or below your feet
D. bias top ball on table top greens
E. your microbiome is a big factor in golf
F. practice tips
H. hitting cage math
I. finding a swing doctor

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