Golf: First Time at the Driving Range

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Hanul have been playing with the plastic set of clubs I bought from Walmart since she was 2 until they broke. Golf is one of her papa’s favorite hobbies that’s why he’s very happy to see her being so eager to learn. He finally got her the real junior’s complete beginner set (with the pink stand bag you see in the background). Hanul is blessed to have tried a number of sports. Golf, soccer and gymnastics are her top 3 favorites. Ice skating and swimming being the least. We’ll see if she will still like this a few years from now.

Do you like to play golf too? Let me know below.

Not a sponsored video. The junior golf set was a gift from her Papa.

See also  THE BEST GOLF SWING LESSON YOU WILL EVER HAVE (The "Red Pill" of Golf - Golf Tip)

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