Golf Basics: How to Hit a Tee Shot

Learn the basics of teeing off so you can build a solid foundation for your golf game.

Incorporate these Pro Tips into your tee box routine to help your scores drop.

The foundation of any successful golf swing starts with a solid grip.

• Place the grip in the fingertips of your lead hand. Placing the grip in your palms can limit mobility and accuracy.
• Place your trailing hand over the leading thumb and interlock the trailing pinky finger with the lead index finger. This grip will allow your trailing palm to face the target once you address the ball.

Once you have your grip locked in, address the golf ball.

• Place the ball toward your front foot and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, making sure the tips of both feet are in line with your intended target.

• Slightly bend forward at the waist and bend your knees. Posture is largely based on what feels best for each golfer, keeping in mind that standing too upright or bending too much can lead to undesirable shots.

When determining the best stance for your game, it’s best to start with what feels comfortable and make tweaks based on your performance.

The final element of the tee shot is the swing. In order to execute a successful swing, it is important to remain relaxed and swing naturally.

For the majority of tee shots, most golfers will pull their driver. While the design of the driver is made to cause the ball to travel farther than any other club in the bag, it can also accentuate flaws in your swing that lead to slices, hooks or other off-line shots.

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Focus on these techniques to help improve accuracy when using your driver:
• Keep your under arms more closed than you might think you should during the swing. This way, your arms travel closer to your body and limit the possibility of swinging off plane.
• Keep your leading wrist as straight as possible. This should keep you from taking the club back too far during your backswing, which can present timing and plane issues.

During your pre-round warmup, consider practicing with a fairway wood or hybrid until you are loose, since those clubs can offer a greater balance of precision and distance.

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